INNER PEACE STILLNESS: Journey to the Miracle of Stillness

INNER PEACE STILLNESS:  Journey to the Miracle of Stillness.

Being Still is an inner peace miracle.  When you feel overwhelmed, can’t cope, have given up, or just want to feel calmer, the way to go is with stillness.

So simple, yet so elegant, so poetic, so peaceful.

Last night I was driving home from dinner with a friend.  I felt a little frenzied.  Every time I would try to discuss an idea, my friend would interrupt me to neutralize the subject with a platitude, change it or say let’s not discuss it.

By the time I got into my car to go home, I felt very annoyed and irritated, but a new feeling and thought came over me.

I felt a feeling to be still.  I felt the the simple state of stillness.

I felt accepting of things the way they were.  Things are perfect the way they are.  I do not need to have control over them.

Immediately I felt more peaceful.

When I got home I made a mental note to expand my social horizons, perhaps including people who shared more of my values and outlook.

Inner peace from stillness comes through handing things to a higher power when we are tempted to go into a negative state.  Simply say to your higher power, “I thank thee Highter Power for providing me xxxx.”

Then relax and go about your business.

Later that evening the air conditioner failed.  I again was called to the inner peace stillness movement.

Instead of getting all upset, frightened of repair bills, or just angry, I relaxed into stillness and fell off to sleep.

As I slipped out of an overheated bed in the morning I called and got an air conditioner repair man right away.  In a day I was cool again.


1.  When you are upset by something literally get still.  Say a prayer as mentioned above and simply be quiet, still and alert for as long as it takes to calm down.

2.  Then just go about your business.

3.  You will find the situation gets healed by a higher power, almost miraculously.  Nothing is needed to be done on your own except the stillness inner peace.

4.  Inner Peace Stillness is a major step on the path to the higher vibration of miracles.

Stillness is my inner peace tool.  I just love it.


Spirit Medium Laura

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