Inner Voice Inner Critic. Learn how to check whether the voice comes from fear or love. The inner voice will come from love.

Channeling From The Ones. How to differentiate between your inner voice and inner critic.
We have mentioned in the past that the inner voice resides at a place deeper than the inner critic. When someone is miserable and crying they cannot reach their inner voice.
They need to release the pain in whatever way they can so the deeper self, the soul self, can speak. This happens by allowing yourself to cry, complain or express the pain you have in some way.
After you have gotten calm, then it is time to release the inner voice. This voice will sound calm, centered and loving. It will not be frantic or coming from lack.
The inner voice is from a higher vibration of abundance, therefore, will feel warm, loving and kind. The inner critic is from the fearful self, and will sound like there is not enough of what is needed to provide.
The inner voice is calm.
The inner critic is frantic.
These are some easy ways to hear or feel the difference between the two.
This is why it is important to use the exercise we gave you a few sessions ago. This is the CALL method to access your inner voice.
You start with a meditation of some sort. Being silent and observing yourself doing slow, deep, abdominal breathing is a good method as well to center.
You take time to complain. What is meant by this is to express what is bothering you. This could take the form of crying, anger, discontent in some way.
Let the puss out of the wound so you can access healing.
Then Ask your Inner Voice specifically for answers.
After asking in a formal and deliberate way you are to Listen and Learn. This requires getting still, allowing this voice to surface.
It will feel like an idea popped into your head, not like you forced an answer. It needs to come to you.
Listen, wait, be patient. It may be a feeling you have or a simple knowing about what is the right thing to do.
If nothing comes in then allow yourself the space to do this again at another time.
The answer may come later in a flash. You may not get it right away.
Complain, Ask then Listen and Learn as much as you need to until clarity arrives. You are just a moment away from peace.
Thank you The Ones for this gentle lesson. I will continue below with more information for reflection.

Distinguish Between Your Inner Voice and Inner Critic.
In the journey of self-discovery, one of the most important skills you can cultivate is the ability to distinguish between your inner voice and your inner critic. Both voices are constantly present within us, yet they serve very different purposes.
Understanding how to differentiate between the two can greatly impact your mental well-being, decision-making, and overall sense of self-worth.
1. Understand the Role of Each Voice: Inner Voice Inner Critic
Your inner voice, often described as your intuition or higher self, is a source of guidance, wisdom, and truth. It tends to speak in a calm, supportive, and encouraging manner.
This voice encourages you to stay aligned with your true values and desires, and it often provides insights that are in harmony with your well-being. It empowers you to take action, pursue your goals, and grow.
In contrast, your inner critic is the voice that doubts, judges, and criticizes you. It is often rooted in fear, shame, or insecurity. The inner critic might use harsh language, amplify your self-doubts, or point out your perceived flaws.
This voice can hold you back, keep you stuck in patterns of self-sabotage, and prevent you from embracing new opportunities.

2. Pay Attention to the Tone and Language of Your Inner Voice and Your Inner Critic
One of the key ways to discern between your inner voice and your inner critic is to pay attention to the tone and language being used. The inner voice speaks gently and with compassion, offering insights like, “Trust yourself. You are capable of this,” or “Take it one step at a time; you’ve got this.” It’s a positive force that motivates you in a healthy direction.
On the other hand, the inner critic uses negative, judgmental language. It might sound something like, “You’ll never be good enough,” “You always mess things up,” or “Who do you think you are to try that?” The tone of the inner critic is often harsh and condemning, leaving you feeling discouraged and unsure of yourself.

3. Notice the Feeling Behind Your Voice
Another way to tell the difference is by tuning into the emotional response each voice evokes. When your inner voice speaks, you feel a sense of calm, clarity, and alignment. It might still challenge you to step outside your comfort zone, but it does so in a way that feels empowering and motivating.
The inner critic, however, often stirs up feelings of anxiety, guilt, or fear. It can make you feel small, insignificant, or incapable, often keeping you trapped in a cycle of self-doubt. If you notice a wave of negative emotions following an internal comment, it’s likely the inner critic at work.
4. Assess the Intent Behind the Message
The intent behind each voice is another key distinction. Your inner voice is always rooted in love, growth, and well-being. It wants you to succeed and encourages you to pursue what feels aligned with your purpose. It speaks from a place of support and guidance.
In contrast, the inner critic typically comes from a place of fear, past trauma, or unresolved insecurities. It wants to keep you safe, but in doing so, it can often prevent you from taking risks, learning from failures, and achieving your potential. The critic’s intent is not to empower but to hold you back.

5. Practice Self-Reflection: Your Inner Voice and Your Inner Critic
To strengthen your ability to discern these voices, practice mindfulness and self-reflection. Take a moment to pause and observe the thoughts that arise in your mind. Are they supportive, encouraging, and empowering?
Or are they judgmental, negative, and limiting? By consciously reflecting on your inner dialogue, you can begin to distinguish between the voice that guides you toward growth and the one that holds you in fear.
Discerning the difference between your inner voice and your inner critic takes practice, but it is essential for your personal growth and mental well-being. Your inner voice speaks with love, encouragement, and wisdom, while your inner critic tends to be rooted in fear and self-doubt.
By understanding the role of each voice and tuning into your emotions and reflections, you can better navigate your thoughts and make choices that align with your true self. Remember, the more you listen to your inner voice, the stronger it becomes, guiding you toward a life that is authentic and fulfilling.