Instrumental Transcommunication to Communicate With Other Side
The following information is taken from an email I just received from Rinaldi Institute of Advanced Research in Instrumental Transcommunication.
It seems very possible to communicate with The Other Side using Instrumental Transcommunication (radio, TV).
Perhaps we will no longer need mediums to do this. :) More than likely, however, this method will compliment mediums and mediums will compliment this method. A documentary introduction linked here.
1. A documentary introduction linked here.
2. As well this is more about a report with latest findings of Rinaldi’s work.
“Rinaldi Report #20 Part 2
Hello Friends,
This is the issue that many people have been waiting for….156 pages full of incredible transimages!
There were so many transimages recorded during July 2019 that we had to split into two reports. Part 2 shows more specifically the many apparitions of loved ones in spirit, as well as the related videos of these experiments. As I tested with color-statics and added vapor, the results were surprising to say the least. Many sons and daughter of attendees appeared in the recordings such as Amber (Lisa´s daughter), Melissa (Patty´s daughter), Roger (Amy´s dad), Alessandro (Diana´s fiancée) and so many others such as Dmitri, Brittany, Michael, Olivia, Dean, Waldomiro, Concetta, Beatriz, etc. And of course, transimages of many non-identified deceased ones were also included in this Report – waiting for their parents or loved one to recognize them.
Big hugs to all, Sonia Rinaldi
This report is available at“
3. Video with interview with Sandra Champlain from Orlando “We Don’t Die,” event.
“Friends, here is an interview our friend Sandra Champlain had with Sonia as a recap of the Orlando event, which was the first time Sonia has demonstrated her work in public. There are videos showing some of her equipment and processes. If you have questions how Sonia gets her images, this is a good place to start! “
4. Press Release about the movie, “‘Rinaldi,’ the new film that claims to prove the existence of the afterlife.” HERE.