We each have come to earth to serve and contribute with our natural gifts and talents. If you find your unique soul center, focus on that as the point of your business, you will have the spiritual “wind in your sails,” so to speak.
What’s your holistic business? Do you have one? Do you want one? Are you struggling to earn a living? Do you hate what you do?
Do you even think it is possible to earn a good living doing what you love to do or doing something related to your soul’s plan for this life time?
Today the economic landscape has changed significantly. I, for one, believe it is increasingly important to do the work you came to earth to do. I believe you will be saved from economic ruin if you choose to do so.

My proof lies in the obvious collapse of traditional economic structures. Just look around you. How many people do you know are being forced to reinvent their self to earn a living?
We each have come to earth to serve and contribute with our natural gifts and talents. If you find your unique soul center, focus on that as the point of your business, you will have the spiritual “wind in your sails,” so to speak.
If you do not do this you will most likely live a life of fighting to get versus flowing prosperity into your life. I know I did.
As a self made millionaire, whose wealth evaporated against my best efforts to keep it, I know first-hand spirit is in charge of my prosperity, not my ego. You can try and try to hold on to something, but if it is not right for you at a soul level the energy will work against holding it.
As my nest egg evaporated and catapulted me out from retirement status, I discovered a way to earn a living doing work I loved. My work focuses on my biggest life fascination: the spiritual science of abundance.
I have always been fascinated by finding the magic formula for success. So it makes perfect sense that my business focuses on this.
While this economic collapse has created problems it has, as well, created the opportunity for more fulfillment and joy in your work. It has opened the door to use spirit for success in your money life.
This can be done by loving your life’s biggest problem, then formulating a solution around solving this problem for others. This is the spiritual formula for success. Here are the specific steps of this L.O.V.E. system
- Love your problem. This is your prosperous path.
- Obtain an acronym solution to this problem.
- Voice this solution to your prospects.
- Engage in selling it.
This is a system for creating your own business to serve using your natural gifts and talents. Allow spirit to work with you to achieve your dreams.
I regularly run classes on this system, have written an e-book on it, now going to Kindle and will create an audio or visual version of the content eventually.
The next Holistic Business Success class is May 20th. Go here to RSVP.
NOTE: Laura Mendelsohn is a psychic medium, entrepreneur, author, teacher, public speaker and media guest. With 45+ metaphysic exposure, Laura’s life purpose and passion is to help you fulfill your dreams with SoulTalk. Laura can be reached at (954) 465-7338 or PsychicMediumLaura@Gmail.com to set your private appointment or join one of her classes.