Intuitive Eating And Weight Loss. The intuitive mindful way to slender vitality from evolution of conscious awareness of your body.
It amazes me that at my ripe old age, I weight less than I did at 15 years old. I have a waistline, flat stomach and plenty of energy.
I never feel deprived.
Most of my life I always had extra poundage of five to twenty pounds on my petite frame.
The last time I was this chunky, about ten years ago, this excess weight was accompanied by a recurring respiratory infection which lasted for about two years. At one point I thought I was dying.
I realize now that is about two to four years after I seriously began acknowledging, developing and using my psychic gifts.
The first step to awakening psychic gifts is to meditate. In this more mindful state if you pay attention you become aware of what was always there but you were too buzzed too notice.
I did not think about this then, but now I know that mindfulness develops intuition. Intuition develops mindfulness.
As I awakened my intuitive psychic mind I was becoming more aware, more mindful of subtle energy. Even the relationship I had with my body was evolving.
I was becoming more aware of how I felt when I ate a certain food, over ate, emotionally ate and so on.
However, it was not until I became severely ill with this recurring respiratory inflection that I became vigilant about self monitoring my body.
What I ate, how I ate, what supplements I took, became a constant vigil for me on my road to recover my health.
Essentially this path included learning, then practicing, Lifestyle, Attitude, Exercise and Nutrition (LEAN) habits. These were taught as part of a health coaching certification I achieved.
In order to practice healing you need to become more aware of what you are doing, how you feel and correcting any actions that your body does not benefit from.
I did not seek a way to get thin. I sought a way to heal.
So the first takeaway here in finding your correct weight is finding a healthy state. (May not mean you are super model thin, either. Each person has an optimal weight for their healthy state.)
For me a healthy state was about ten pounds leaner than my less healthy state.
Now I eat a healthy diet, intuitively, mindful of how I feel about what to eat, how much to eat, when and whether I should eat.
As well, I live a more mindful intuitive life, refusing to do anything that does not “feel” right to me.
You can access your feelings if you train your mind to observe how you feel through mindful meditation.
Here is a short video about mindfulness.
It will greatly improve your awareness of how you feel about everything in a detached way allowing you to manage your life rather than being reactive to it.
Real Food
Being your healthy weight has little to do with being restrictive about what you eat.
Rather it has to do with being healthy about what you eat.
Choosing real foods that are nutritionally dense will help your body get back in touch with how it feels to be satiated.
When you eat a healthy, real food diet your body begins to know when it is truly hungry and when it is satiated.
Eating foods that are made in the laboratory, laden with sugars and chemicals, trick your body into thinking it is hungry when it is not.
This is how I now can say, I only eat what feels good.
I have become more in touch with what it feels like to
* be really hungry.
- be UNcomfortably full.
- have an adverse digestive reaction to something I ate.
* feel drained of energy after I ate something that did not properly nourish me.
You see how this works? If you develop an intuitive mindfulness about your body you will begin to make healthier choices for your body.
This is not a diet.
This is an evolution of awareness, an expansion of consciousness about what you are eating, how your body feels and what works for you to be in your highest form.
The Standard American Diet (SAD) emphases high caloric, low fiber protein (meat, fowl or fish) as the majority of eaten food.
Vegetables and fiber foods are just a garnish on the side.
If you switched that around you would find your body will find its balance automatically.
Fiber allows your body to balance itself, detoxify, feel full, get back to what it feels like to be genuinely hungry. Fiber helps eliminate excess cholesterol and hormones from the system.
Here is an interesting movie which goes into the background behind all of this.
Steps to Intuitive Eating and Weight Loss – The R E A L System
R-eal Food. Eat only real, whole food, high in fiber that you intuitively are drawn to eat. Your body knows what it wants and needs. Real whole food was grown in nature, not a laboratory. Drink plenty of fluids.
E-ngage in mindful meditation to improve your intuitive connection with and perceptions of your body.
A-erobic movement. Be intentionally physically active for a minimum of one hour per day. The rest of the day be physically engaged. Integrate both aerobic and resistance training doing what intuitively feels good to you.
L-ove your body. Intuitively feed and nurture your body with what feels good to you. Savor each morsel. Eat only when you are hungry until you are satiated. Never stuff yourself. Eat foods that give you energy, not exhaustion.
This is an intuitive mindful way of eating which is the joyful way to a slender physique.

By using the REAL formula, you too can live a longer, healthier life enjoying your food more than you ever thought possible.
Spirit Medium Laura.
Medium Laura is a Certified LEAN Health Coach and Health Medium. In addition she connects clients to loved ones in spirit and their guides for healing to happiness.