Intuitive Empath Love Relationships. When you know who you are relationships get much easier, healthy and functional.
The Intuitive Empath in Love Relationships Could Fear Losing Their Identity
“As an empath, you might fear being engulfed by another person who is a romantic partner.
Fear of losing your identity is big for you because you can so easily become enmeshed in your partner’s needs and problems.
For an intimate relationship to work for you, you must be clear on your boundaries with your partner, and your partner needs to have a clear understanding of your empath traits.”
This quote is taken from HERE.
Personally I experienced this in my marriage. I felt
- Overwhelmed and controlled by my partner.
- Not understood.
- Lonely in the relationship.

Know Your Are An Intuitive Empath in Love Relationships
The antidote to feeling this way as an Intuitive Empath is to
- Know you are an Intuitive Empath. Once you realize you are a highly sensitive intuitive empath you will understand how to manage your feelings differently. But this is not enough.
- View your intuitive, psychic, empathic sensitivity as gifts rather than curses.
- Develop your intuition and empathic abilities. Appreciate and honor them, rather than be hijacked by them.
This does not mean you should become a psychic medium. :)
No. It means however that you should choose a career or avocation that needs these types of gifts. Using your gifts in service increases your self esteem and personal sense of security.

A Few Careers for Intuitive Empaths – Intuitive Empath Love Relationships
Here are a few that do.
Psychologist, Counselor, Therapist, Teacher, Registered Nurse, Veterinarian, Lawyer, Massage Therapist, Social Worker, Career Coach. More ideas HERE.
If you have some form of work (even a hobby) that utilizes your intuitive sensitivity you will find your foundation as a secure and grounded individual increases. This in turn allows you to enter an intimate relationship as a complete and healed individual.
If you do not, you most likely will lose yourself in the relationship, which in turn causes conflict.
Today I was in a session with a client.
At first I psychically perceived that she was blocked in expression (throat chakra) in expressing her intuitive and healing gifts.
I relayed a woman in particular must find her expression as an intuitive empath outside of a love relationship, so she can flourish within one.

Living in Your Power and Expressing Your Gifts
When you know who you are, express this without hesitation or delay you will find being in a relationship with another to be easier.
You will not feel drained, controlled, managed or just simply overwhelmed when with another in a close bond.
This Is Your Gift, Not Your Baggage.
Using this gift in a constructive way, perhaps as a healer, spiritual counselor or licensed mental health counselor will give you power!
My entire life I struggled with this “gift,” not knowing what it was.
I was drained when in crowds.
If there was negative energy in a room of people, I would sense it and not want to be there.
I had “hits” on people without even trying to do so. The people in my close relationships would deny my insights and say it was not true.
My sister would regularly say to me, “Oh, you poor dear. You are SO sensitive,” as if I had a limp or was missing an eye.
Actually I had more EYES than the average person, so I felt like a freak!

I found the book, “The Highly Sensitive Person,” by Elaine Aron, Ph.D., one day after an extremely trying argument with my husband at that time.
This was a revelation to me. I realized that my seeing, feeling and hearing what others did not, was a gift, not a curse. I started to back myself up. I started to gain more personal power in this knowledge.
I started to gain more personal power in this relationship and those that followed by quietly knowing who I was and believing in myself.
There was still a lot of work to be done in this area for me, but it was a start. I went from having conflict with the world to listening to myself more.
The more I mastered this, the better my life became. I stopped trying to fit myself into the standard American Dream of corporate life, aggressive consuming and pursuing money for the sake of money.
All of this almost killed me with burn out.

The Intuitive Empath Should Develop Sensitivity Further! Intuitive Empath Love Relationships
When you realize you are a highly sensitive person you should develop your sensitivity, intuition and empathic nature rather than fight it.
This will raise your self esteem.
This will build your personal power. You will not be threatened when someone does not agree with you. You will understand why.
This in turn awakens your ability to be graceful in relationships rather than struggling to get your breath, be heard or supported. You will support you.
If you hang out with a person who is not experiencing life as you do as a highly sensitive intuitive empath, you will be more understanding of them and make allowances.
Perhaps you will decide that you need to be with a person who is more aware like you are, so you can support each other.

“29 Unique Traits of the Intuitive Empath” Article
Here is an article which I think is particularly helpful in discovering this for you, “29 Unique Traits of the Intuitive Empath.”
As well the book, “The Highly Sensitive Person,” would help tremendously. It is a classic. This was one of the first books on this subject. There are many excellent ones that have followed.
Spirit Medium Laura