Is Intuition The Secret To Luck?

“How can I order my favorite show ‘True Blood,’ from HBO without incurring a massive monthly fee?” I dared the Comcast representative. 

He chuckled. “Well, right now there is a special to order HBO for free for three months and I think – wait a minute.  Let me check.  Yes!  Your favorite show is about to start next week!”

“Wow,” I said.  “That’s lucky!  I guess I had an intuitive hunch.” 

The Comcast representative puzzled over my response, not knowing what I do for a living.  I did not tell him, enjoying my private levity.  

I had no idea the show was starting next month, but had been thinking about it a lot lately, building up a crazy desire to watch it again. 

It was a lucky coincidence brought about by following my intuition.  Just one more in a constant cavalcade of luck, life was now presenting to me. 

I didn’t want to live intuitively.  No.  I resisted it.  Why should I?  After all I got everything I wanted using my own efforts.  If I wanted it, I manifested it. 

This had worked so well for me that by the time I hit my mid forties, I was retired, marrying a new husband and my investments soared to millionaire status.  I was a success, by any outward standard.

(Reconstruction of the) tomb of King Midas; fo...
Image via Wikipedia


Then something happened.  As I sat upon this bloated mountain of the Midas touch, it began to crumble.  I began to lose everything.  The marriage ended, the money dissipated and I was unable to manifest a thing! 

 There was something at play here which was evading and devastating me. 

I was desperate for an answer.  My best manifesting efforts, of which I was an expert, continued to fail me.  I was humbled.   I decided it was time to check in with a higher power.  

As I sat praying for an antidote to the impending promise of homelessness, advice slowly trickled to my consciousness.  Follow your intuitive guidance. 

Work with the spiritual energy of your life, your intuition, not your ego.  Let go of trying to control everything, open to what you love, visualize your success in having it and then entirely follow what is presented in blind faith.  If you do this, your life will get better.

I had no choice but to follow the little bread crumbs in the dark forest of what had become my miserable life. 

Since money was my biggest problem I had been trying feverishly to create income from something.  I had not worked in a job for over ten years, so the employment remedy seemed unlikely.  


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Trading securities was the way I lost most of my money, so this was no longer an option.  The only thing left was psychic readings!  How preposterous.  However, this was the only thing I did that made me any money. 


Clients loved what came through for them.  I had many referrals and repeat business.  I guess I was good at it.  I knew I loved doing it.  Why did I resist it so?

Because I believed this was the least likely way for a sensible person to earn a living.  However, having no other ideas in sight, I decided to fully embrace this business.  Within four months of making this my full time pursuit, my income had risen by 400%! 

The moral of this story is that there is something at play in our lives beyond what our ego tells us to want.  It is the spiritual context in which we live.  Each of us has a life plan created before birth.  If you bother to tap into it by following your intuition, you will find your life will take on the stuff of miracles.  

You will live at a new level of co-creation with a higher power. 

Find your purpose by following your feelings.  Have the courage to take the next step.


Note:  Laura Mendelsohn is available for private readings and coaching on Quantum Flow, the secret to luck.  Please contact her at (954) 465-7338 or email at   As well you may read about Quantum Flow on this website. 

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