Is It Possible To Communicate Telepathically? There is now scientific evidence suggesting brain to brain communication occurs through Electromagnetic Fields.
As a medium I know telepathy is real. I regularly do it when I am in contact with a loved one in spirit. It is like we are having a conversation, so clear, easy and fluid.
When I do a Life Reading I receive information that exists in the Collective Unconscious about that person. It comes right in.
These are such awesome experiences, which feel magical, actually.
But the scientific experiments are NOT magic!
They have explained the physical dynamics of telepathy through electromagnetic fields!

Scientific Studies Exploring “Is It Possible to Communicate Telepathically”
Here is a brief synopsis of some studies I found as I wrote this article.
1. A recent study by the NIH, “Brain-to-brain communication: the possible role of brain electromagnetic fields,” explores the hypothesis that animals communicate this way. This article can be found HERE.
- Telepathy in Dreams. “A study was designed to investigate telepathic effects in dreams […] which produced statistically significant results supporting the telepathy hypothesis.” Taken from The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease here.
3. Academic Papers have been published proving “people have now telepathically communicated with each other, monkeys have solved problems as a connected hive mind, and humans have even been given telepathic control of a rat.” Taken from Inside Science HERE.

My first reaction to this is “Yikes psychics will no longer be needed if science figures out how the human brain can send and receive information much like a cell phone, radio or television signal. ”
However, if this does happen and I think it will, we can actually use this information to move from not knowing, relying on psychics to tell us, to taking responsibility for our thoughts.
If thoughts are real, they need to be managed, as not only can they be sent out to others through a non verbal mechanism, but as well, this mechanism would affect the physical reality in which we live.
Our thoughts influence everything!
When we have thoughts they create very real Electromagnetic fields which shape and form reality!

This is NOT just a cute phrase or saying. It is literally true!
While the physics of this is in its infancy, the implications of this are not. Manifesting material has been touting for over a century that “thoughts are things”.
We Create Reality More Literally Than You Might Have Guessed
So how do you commandeer the fact that thoughts are things. That reality is something we are creating with our minds, our thoughts and our projections every day.
You do not have to be a scientist or a metaphysician to take advantage of this. All you have to do is make up your mind what you want to think into reality.
Then think it.
Stay Positive.
The first step is to constantly make lemonade from lemons. If you start seeing fault, you get more fault. If you see great things, you see and create more of that.

Dream It Up: Is It Possible to Communicate Telepathically?
Dream what you REALLY want, not what you think you can have.
There is something very magnetic about desire. I believe it magnifies the electromagnetic field of creation.
Write It Down: Is It Possible to Communicate Telepathically?
There is no easier way to create your reality than writing down what you want in your life as if it has already happened. I keep an “Astral Thought Journal,” (ATJ) where I am writing down what I want on a regular basis. I write it as if it already exists.
At times I get lost, negative and go back into not receiving what I want, however, I remain vigilent in this practice. Over time it has proven itself effective.
One thing I really “wanted” was a way to managed my own financial portfolio. I placed this idea on my Astral Thought Journal (ATJ).
At first there was some wavering. But finally after I did a healing on myself, this changed!
I now am successfully doing what prior to this I had thought impossible.
The Astral Thought Form Journal techniques works really well for me.

You Can Create Your Reality in Many Ways
The ATJ is just one way to create your reality. There are Vision Boards, Self Hypnosis and even magic spells (yes, they work!).
Find your favorite way and do it!

Well, there you have it a messy, but exciting explanation of what seemed magical and impossible before.
I hope you realize your thoughts are living things.
Spirit Medium Laura
Book your private appointment with spirit through Laura at