Is the Afterlife Real? When a soul appears uninvited or unanticipated with urgent business I know the after life is real.
Story: Is the Afterlife Real?
This week something happened in a client session which produced compelling evidence the afterlife is real.
(This is a real story, but some details are left out to preserve privacy.)
I was working with a client who wanted me to focus on her life to help make some decisions.
I Was Not Expecting What Happened Next – Is the Afterlife Real?
I was not looking for a soul in spirit to come through.
Yet as I made the psychic connection with this client a man clairvoyantly appeared before me. I described what I saw and asked the client if she knew who this was.

She did.
She told me he was in spirit and that she was not ready to talk to him yet. She presented a calm but determined appearance.
I went ahead with her life focused session.
All during the session this man in spirit kept nudging and interrupting me, but we carried on with the life focus.
Later that day, after the session ended, the client booked another session to talk to this person in spirit.
“I Am Sorry”
When I made the connection he came through, loud and clear. The first thing he relayed was “I am sorry.”
When a spirit says this to me, I know they are taking responsibility for their passing. When I expressed this message to the client, this condition was validated.

Urgent Business Reveals The Afterlife Is Real
It became clear this soul interrupted our earlier session to speak because he had urgent business to discuss. This soul was attempting to make amends to my client, the loved one who survived him on earth.
The reason I find this experience so compelling is because it was so unexpected, so clear and so urgent. It proves to me the afterlife is real. We survive physical death.
What Do You Think? Is the Afterlife Real?
Everything the soul said was all validated by the sitter. The clarity and connection was deep, literally “word for word” accurate, dramatic, heart breaking and real.
If you ever doubt we survive physical death I sincerely hope this story can provide for you some comfort and “proof” that we do.
Further Study
What does a spirit do on the Other Side? Article HERE.
Spirit Medium Laura
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