Is The Spirit World Real? Even a psychic medium can wonder at times if the spirit world is real, but then something happens!
A Story About Evidence From the Other Side- Is The Spirit World Real?
Today I did an otherside mediumship session which was so fluid, playful and specific, even I was impressed. haha
Right away the sitter’s (client receiving the messages) grandmother came in from the otherside. She was so spunky we both laughed.
The grandmother started scolding her (the sitter) to do something with her life that was very difficult and seemed impossible.
I asked the sitter if this made sense? Was her grandmother a spunky woman who looked like I described?
Did she talk and act like I describe? Was she (the sitter) blocked by a condition in her life?
Sitter said, “yes.”

Then the grandmother told her that she would not take “no” from anyone when she was one earth and won’t take no from her granddaughter now.
When she (the grandmother) set her mind on something she would not stop until she got what she wanted when she was on earth and was the same in spirit.
I asked the sitter if this was true of her grandmother. The sitter said “yes.”
The grandmother continued in this very determined, spitfire way, “I see a huge X on your forehead. You are not doing what you should do with your life. You are blocked.”
The sitter agreed.
Grandmother told her over and over to take the step, to move forward in her life, to do what she is thinking about doing but is afraid to do or feels is impossible to accomplish.
The session continued in this very loud, clear way, delivering clear evidence from spirit.
Her grandfather came in next from spirit.
Her grandfather told her about the stuffed teddy bear she still kept after all these years. He said she had received it at two to three years old.
The sitter began to cry. She did keep the teddy bear she had gotten from him at that age, now all ragged and torn.
I kept seeing a dog around her. I did not know it then, but the sitter revealed she had recently lost her dog . We decided to not bring in her beloved animal because we had limited time.
We had to bring in her aunt. Her aunt appeared visually before me. I described what I saw. Everything was correct.
Her aunt immediately said she was sorry she had to leave earth the way she did. It was so tragic and unexpected.
She said she had a sudden cardiac event which caused the transition.
She explained she had known about her heart problem beforehand, treated it, but then it came back suddenly taking her life.
Before she knew it she was out of her body being escorted by two divine beings into spirit.
This session was quite healing, delightful and inspiring.
If you experience communication with spirit like this, so fluid, accurate and clear, you can’t help to believe in the after life.

Ways You Can Explore Whether The Spirit world Is Real
One of my most favorite books is “Journey of Souls,” by Dr. Michael Newton. Although his work cannot be considered scientific evidence the spirit world exists, it might provide you a satisfying journey through the subject matter.

Is The Spirit World Real? Dr. Michael Newton’s Work
Dr. Michael Newton, a well-known figure in the field of hypnotherapy, presents evidence for the existence of a spirit world primarily through his work in past-life regression and spiritual hypnotherapy. Newton’s research and findings are detailed in his books, such as “Journey of Souls” and “Destiny of Souls.”
Summary of the evidence and concepts he presents.
Past-Life Regression Sessions: Newton conducted numerous past-life regression sessions with clients under hypnosis. He reported that many individuals described experiences not just of past lives but also of existence in a spirit world between lives. These accounts included descriptions of various realms, encounters with spiritual beings, and learning experiences in a non-physical world.

Consistent Themes Across Cases
According to Newton, clients consistently described similar themes and settings in their accounts of the spirit world. These included experiences of a “Life between Lives” state where souls review their past lives, receive guidance, and plan future incarnations. The consistency across different individuals’ experiences was presented as supporting evidence for the existence of this realm.
Detailed Descriptions of Spiritual Realms:
Clients under hypnosis described detailed environments, such as bright, beautiful landscapes and meeting places where souls interact and learn. They also described various spiritual guides or mentors and the process of spiritual growth and development.

Observations of Life Planning and Soul Development
Newton’s clients reported that souls undergo a process of planning their future lives, choosing lessons to learn, and evaluating past experiences. This planning process, according to the accounts, takes place in the spirit world.
Conclusion: Is The Spirit World Real?
While Newton’s work provides compelling anecdotal evidence and has been influential in the field of spiritual hypnotherapy, it is important to note that his findings are based on subjective reports from clients and are not universally accepted as empirical evidence in the scientific community. Critics argue that these experiences could be influenced by various psychological factors and that more rigorous, replicable studies are needed to substantiate claims of the spirit world.