“You ruined my life!” My client exclaimed to his wife sitting next to him. He felt they were totally incompatible, yet at the same time he was completely and utterly dependent on her for the 43 years of their marriage.
When we began his session, it was all very ordinary. I did a meditation, a prayer and then made an energy connection with them. He had come to me to learn how to create a specific and very special project he had conceived.
As the session progressed, I learned his project was about time travel! He wanted to know if it was possible to physically travel back in time to when he was thirteen years old. If he could do this he wanted to create a new and better life for himself.
- Image by ¡♥ıʞns via Flickr
Today theoretical physicists believe that time travel into the future is more feasible than into the past. The best idea they have to make time travel into the past possible is through a time/space wormhole. However, even the existence of a wormhole is nothing more than speculation at this point in time.
Time travel is possible using spiritual tools. When you enter deep alpha to theta brain waves, you can travel into the past or the future. This is because these brain wave states are in the infinite now, and are not restricted by three dimensional realities.
When you live solely in your every day mind state (the beta ego mind state), you are only aware of one dimension of reality. This state is anxious, task oriented and shallow in its outlook and resources. It believes in mortality, the reality of insurmountable problems and the impending doom they suggest. This is a fear based reality.
When you begin living in alpha to theta consciousness your reality is malleable, not fixed. Reshaping your experience is effortless through intention. This is the eternal now, not restricted by the normal confines of a time space reference.
This is the place where you can have an argument with someone, hand up the discord and pain to a higher power, ask the conflict be healed in the highest way possible, and receive a phone call in the next minute from the person with whom you argued. This place is miraculous.
As you surrender into the energy of the moment you become very powerful indeed. In this state you learn how to let go and step aside from attempting to control outcome.
The main tool to enter this state is to detach from your drama, then ask for what you want. A specific tool to do this is the Miracle Meditation.
The more you learn how to detach from trying to command, control and cajole your reality, while asking with complete surrender for what you want, the more powerful you become. You will find your life becomes as shapeable as clay to a sculptor.
Spiritual power is omnipotent. You access it when you let go of control, enter the now and begin to use detached intention on a regular basis.
The system for this is “PLAY Magic” combined with “The Miracle Meditation,” both of which are described further on the AbundancePsychic.com website.
If you would like more help in creating your reality contact me, Laura Bartolini Mendelsohn, at 954 465 7338 or PsychicMediumLaura@Gmail.com for a private session.
yeah, it is cool. Hi Heather!
I am facinated by time travel, just started getting into the Montauk Project books, so cool…they built wormholes back to 1942 and elsewhere, also pychic warrior book did it via remote viewing.