Is TRUTH REAL? How to Access TRUTH.

Is TRUTH Real? How to Access TRUTH. This channeled piece helps you move beyond belief to access the creative force of truth for your empowerment.

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Is TRUTH REAL?  How to Access TRUTH. What the heck is true anymore?  As I wrote these words I felt dumbfounded, like I had been struck on my head by a frying pan.

The world seems to be evidencing at least to me more than in the past a duplicity I have never encountered before.


If you try to access truth for health empowerment you might go to Google, and/or your Doctor.  Depending on who you talk to you get a myriad of answers, some directly contradictory.

Should I get a Mammography every year?  Some say the radiation it exposes you to can actually GIVE you cancer.  Others say the radiation is so minimal it is not a problem.  Who knows what to think?

How about the raging debate over Paleo versus Vegan?  I found one doctor, Dr. Wahl, who used to be vegetarian, but due to the research she personally did to help cure her Multi Sclerosis (MS), she changed to a specific version of Paleo.

She calls this the Wahl’s Protocol, and put her MS into remission.

I found another person, Chris Wark, who claims he cured his stage 4 colon cancer by going Raw Vegan.

So what is the healthiest diet anyway?  Can there be many versions of healthy diets?


If you are trying to get the truth for life empowerment, your head might be spinning as the yarns that are spun as truth in the news keeps multiplying and proliferating.

One news station says one thing.  Another news station says the complete opposite about the same incident.

Who are you supposed to believe?

This week it was reported that the White House archived a version of the Trump Putin meeting in Helsinki as a different version than what was actually broadcast live.

How can this be?  If this really happened one way, how can the White House get away with archiving a different, edited version?


Inoculations cause more illness then they protect.  Inoculations are important to protect against life threatening diseases.

Chemotherapy will save your life.  Chemotherapy will kill you.

Vitamins are not needed.  Vitamins save lives.

Global Climate Change is NOT happening.  Global Climate change IS happening.

Etc., Etc.

Here is a great article from “The Guardian,” which validates and analyzes this further.  You can read it here, “Denialism: what drives people to reject the truth, From vaccines to climate change to genocide, a new age of denialism is upon us. Why have we failed to understand it?

What is TRUE anyway?  How can I live my best life, be empowered, if I can’t find the truth?

In case you are confused about how to live an empowered life based on truth, get the right answer to a personal dilemma, what is morally right, or simply the most prudent choice, I have decided to channel on this today.

Maybe in this way some clarity can be had from an otherwise very confusing planet.

Oneness means that you are simply alone in the space, in the globe of allowing.

Dear Spirit Guides, is there TRUTH in this dimension called Earth?  Is TRUTH REAL?

Before I provide the channeled answer I thought I would elaborate on what happened after this channeling came through.

When it arrived I had no idea what spirit meant about creation, beliefs, cause and effect, channeled below.    Then a few days later they evolved me into the idea of Transcendence, the place from which all creation occurs.

So as a companion to this I recommend reading the next piece called Transcendence to understand what they mean by creation.  In these two pieces they are teaching us how creation occurs in The Zero Point Field.

This place is their natural state.   We have to do things to get to there, because we reside in the dimension of duality, where truth is relative, not absolute, and based on beliefs.



There is no absolute truth in your dimension.  Absolute truth lives outside of any dimension.  It is not local.

In your world the medium is the message.  So if you are unhappy you will be taken to places where unhappiness resides, allowing you to learn the lessons unhappiness provides.

Your truth at that time is unhappiness.

When you are in love on earth you are living the local truth of love.

When you are sad you are definitely in the dimension of sadness.

The duplicity of your dimension allows for growth.

So those that claim to know the truth or state the truth or are part of the truth are only in that place where their truth resides.

There is no truth other than “belief” in your dimension.

What you believe is what you conceive and create.  The truth is that your beliefs will create it.

So the next time you are happy or sad, or ill or well, remember you created it by believing in it.

There is no truth in your dimension other than what you believe.


There is no cause and effect, there is only creation.

Some in the dimension called earth believe that there is a cause and effect modality.  They look for the reason for this and the reason for that.

This cannot be further from the truth.  There is no cause and effect.  There just are circumstances as they are created.

So if you do not have something never believe that you do not deserve it or did not create it.

Again, in your dimension all things called conditions can be created by believing in them.

One can be healed spontaneously by believing they can be healed.

There are times when belief is the the healer itself.  Do not overlook the power of belief.

Belief will open your heart to higher dimensions where everything is possible, where living well is the norm, not the challenge.

We in the spirit plane know how to create from nothing but intention.  We no longer need belief, because we already have it.

This is why we have and are teaching the power of using the subconscious in creative meditation to create at will.

This is your calling on earth, to learn, then teach, how to create outside of beliefs, simply from will.

To change your reality you have to master creation.

Creation is different from belief.  It is more advanced.

Creation takes from nothing and creates something.  This is the God Force, which is in all of us, some more than others.

The first step to gain access to the God force is to ask for it.  Once you ask for it you will have it.

This God force is simply accessing your Higher Self in meditative prayer for wisdom, healing and help.  Then get ready for the forces and powers that will come to your aid.  Your world will change.

You must go into a meditation to do this.

You must ask to do this.

You must listen, hear and process to do this.

You magnetic energy on earth is now ready for this challenge.  We are here to teach you and others how to heal the heart, the soul, to ask for that which you want.

Then to simply allow the powers that be to award you with the shift.

The shift is the power in action.  It takes your heart, your head and melds them into a new existence where poverty, loss, sickness, illness and loneliness do not exist.

This is the ONE with the All.

We are the Ones and are helping you and humanity to learn how to connect to this power.

This power is beyond belief.  It is simply knowing that you can create by simply allowing it to come to you.

It has nothing to do with belief.  It has to do with empowerment of self in the space of Oneness.

We are the Ones, and we invite you to take the step to oneness.

Oneness means that you are simply in the space, in the globe, of allowing.

Allowing will bring you oneness.


The Ones through Spirit Medium Laura.

Book your private spirit guide coaching session through Spirit Medium Laura at

Further Reading…

“In ‘Mind to Matter,’ award-winning researcher Dawson Church explains how our minds create matter. Different intentions produce different fields and different material creations. The science in the book is illustrated by many authentic case histories of people who harnessed the extraordinary power of the mind to create.”  This quote taken from book description linked here.

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