Suddenly I realized. Spirit told me to instruct all the students to try to do mediumship working the way they were used to working. If they read Tarot cards, use them. If they were a Reiki healer connect with spirit the way you connect to heal.
When I first decided to study mediumship I had already been channeling my spiritual guides for many years. Actually, on looking back, I realize I had been in contact with “spirit” my whole life, I just didn’t know what the heck was going on.
When you are child and “see” things, you get scared. That was about all I knew. Now after growing up I realize I was having “otherside experiences.”
Even though I was having spirit speak to me as a child, the funny thing is when I went to “study” it as an adult, I was cut off, rather than opened again. Most of the classes I took confused, confounded and disconnected me.
My first teacher, Sally Baldwin, founder of the Dying to Live Again Foundation, came with high recommendations by the owner of a New Age bookstore. While I adored Sally, her class was teaching people how to open to channeling using a pendulum and board.
I was already an oral channel for years, so that was inappropriate for me I discovered after registering. I did get something from the class, because as I said Sally was the best, but what I got was not mediumship.
Sally was teaching channeling, which is bringing in entities from a different (higher frequencies), not loved ones in high astral, low causal vibration. Sally had said in front of me more than once she was more a channeler than a medium.
Then I found a woman who had studied at the Delphi Institute located in Georgia. This is a highly reputable spiritual college in Georgia. Each meeting with this teacher was $100 a pop. I eagerly paid it, so excited I was to learn. However, as the tutoring progressed, my patience decreased. I kept wondering, “When are we actually going to do mediumship?”
All she taught was a guided visualization meditation. I had to learn it then do it consistently for 30 days. This was supposed to be mediumship training? I did what I was told, but geez that was and is not mediumship training. I wonder now if she really was a medium.
Then I went to a class taught by someone who was “certified” by Doreen Virtue. We spent one of the two total days of the class exorcising blocks and spirits from us. (The teacher said it was going to unblock us.)
When finally we settled down to the work of mediumship we were told as beginners to receive for names without any technique other than to go ask spirit to send us letters! Finally within the last two hours of the class we did an exercise that opened me a bit. But most of the time was not very productive.
Afterwards, I thought. “You know I never even saw that teacher do mediumship once during the class.”

Then I studied with a gentleman who had attended the Arthur Findlay College of Mediumship in England. This was a bit more promising an experience. At least he had us work with spirit directly for two days.
Yet very little technique was provided. Instead we were given all sorts of disciplines to use such as we had to keep our eyes opened, had to stand up and deliver messages to the room. It felt a bit unnatural, but I did open more in this class.
He had told us he found it extremely difficult to do mediumship. He said he could do psychic readings all day without a problem, but doing mediumship was difficult for him. OK.
Then the oddest thing happened. I watched my friend Brenda Elizabeth deliver messages at a séance we were doing together. She did not strain. She simply let them speak through her! What a concept. She just let them speak.
So back I went to the drawing board. I looked at my past. I had done some mediumship for a family friend in New York, before taking the classes. All I did was simply channel, which was so natural for me. Ironically, I was told what came through was correct and she recommended someone else to me.
It was all so simple I did not appreciate it! After observing Brenda, I discovered mediumship is a very natural thing. It is not supposed to be a struggle.
As soon as I started doing mediumship like the natural channel I already was, my success rate went up significantly. I was and am now able to bring in most souls very easily, so long as I relax and allow them to speak to me using my most natural psychic skill. For me it is channeling.

When I taught another class I started the class with the “standard” material taught to me. This was rather left brained. The students were floundering.
Suddenly I realized. Spirit told me to instruct all the students to try to do mediumship working the way they were used to working. If they read Tarot cards, use them. If they were a Reiki healer connect with spirit the way you connect to heal.
The class turned around like magic. Everyone started bringing in souls with evidence!
If you are interested in taking a mediumship class, I advise you to be discriminating of the class you are reviewing to take. Be informed and then decide.
I am teaching a Mediumship Certification class in November based on a number of iterations of teaching this subject. Most people will open to spirit in this class. I have seen them do so. More advanced students will develop further.
This is because I emphasize doing the work in the way that is natural for you first. Secondly, I emphasize working with spirit rather than theory, as spirit is the real teacher of mediumship.
Thirdly, I have failed, floundered and then resurrected. No one is better suited to teach than one who has failed, and then triumphed.
You can learn more and RSVP by going to this link.
Hi Jessie. Thanks for your comment. Suggest you try to find an online class. As well, I have never seen evil images from spirit, so am not certain what you saw or why. Prayer is the best way to protect. Thanks for writing.
I have been channeling since childhood, when i saw evil images i was scared because i wasnt taught how to deal with them. My moms friend is a medium and told to embrace it..but out of fear i learned to block it out. Lately i havent been able to so, so i figured it was a sign to try and learn to control it rather than be afraid but i can not find any mediumship classes by me, please help
I am so grateful to have come across this article. I am experiencing the exact same thing and have become increasingly frustrated by (although talented in their field) psychics and healers who are conducting mediumship development workshops and circles. The other grievance I’d like to add if I may, is the abundance of self-advertising “Mentors” who claim how much they enjoy helping others develop their skills, answer any questions and lead them down the right path, yet an overwhelming amount do not bother to reply to phone or email messages. What is worse is the few who do, either insist on (yet another) costly workshops on chakras and guided meditation or, and yes this has happened twice, cancel the appointment last minute. I am not a bitter person by any means, but I’m beginning to wonder if “when the student is ready, the teacher appears” has an ounce of truth, I need to examine if I am not ready (my guides tell me otherwise), or if the New York psychic community needs a collective lesson in ethics and old fashioned manners. Thank you for the opportunity to vent, and most of all for your enlightening article! Samantha