John of God healer. I recently learned by yet another weird synchronicity that the healing spirit does through me is directly related to John of God’s spirit entities.
At the risk of sounding pretentious there are significant links between John of God and me.
About two years ago, just as my guides started leading me into Clairvoyant Channeled Healing sessions with clients I discovered I was channeling the same Master Guide as John of God of Brazil.

I met this Spiritual Guide over 30 years before after asking my Guardian Angels come through. After spontaneously gaining vocal contact with spirit, I was introduced to my Master Guide called Ola, short for St. Ignatius Loyola.
I thought nothing of it and continued this wild adventure of hearing spirit speak to me at will, whenever I asked, for answers to life questions. It was awesome.
Then recently I stumbled coincidentally upon the fact John of God’s Master Entity is St. Ignatius Loyola just as I was being taught this Clairvoyant Healing modality by spirit.
Recently I was further led in continuing synchronicity. I was asked by a team of Polish Journalists to visit Poland and do a John of God type healing tour.
The Polish journalists are Elżbieta Józwiak and Włodzimierz Osinski.
Their website:
They are organizers of various interesting esoteric meetings and workshops in Poland.
They are also journalists, writing for the most popular esoteric magazines in Poland: “Fourth Dimension,” “Unknown World,” “Stars says.”
This is strange. I did not think I did anything like John of God, except being a healer doing trance channeling to the same entity as he. However, due to this invitation I decided to view some of John of God’s work.
This led me to Gail Thackray, Spiritual Educator. At about 18 minutes into her interview about her experience with John of God in Brazil, I learned
In other words, the real healing happens with the entities in the hotel room after a John of God session. This is explained by Gail at about 18 minutes into this video HERE.
THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I DO WITH CLIENTS. I am led into a deep trance by the spirit entities where I clairvoyantly see the blocks, illness and given the healing prayers and protocols for clients.
This entails “reading” the chakras, clairvoyantly seeing where and when the emotional spiritual blocks are, what caused the illness, even to past lives, current soul contracts and then releasing them with the client and the spirit entities.
The release is an intensely overwhelming, cathartic experience, especially for me and clients. It takes a lot of energy.
I can only do a little of it a day or I would get ill.
The Polish journalists wanted me to do 8 to 10 clients sessions a day, weekend all day seminars, evening appearances, with meditations and healings, etc. This was to go for 3 to 4 weeks.
They would pay for my airfare, accommodations, etc. and give me a generous split of the profits. It seemed like a wonderful opportunity.
But I feel if something does not fit your needs, if it is off in some way, then it is just there for you to learn something or for a side reason, perhaps an experience widening your awareness.
I think this experience was presented to me to realize the healing work I do has more significance than that which I understood, and even my clients understand.
So welcome everyone to a new understanding of how spirit works through me for a medium healing type of session.
I as well learned this is called Rainbow Healing. It is an ancient form of healing done by yogis. Here is an excerpt from Times of India explaining what it is. Although ancient yogis practiced it on themselves, I practice it with clients while in a trance state.
“In rainbow healing meditation, the practitioner delves into the subconscious and higher-conscious minds to blast and transmute disease and pain with powerful cosmic rays of light. This removes memories of disease from the body and restores radiant health and balance.
Rainbow healing draws on a variety of alternative healing therapies so that one is healed at all levels – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. It is a journey of self-healing and transformation by exploring one’s energy centres, chakras, and auric fields. ”
FREE CHAKRA THERAPY TOOL. If you would like a healing with the chakras I found one developed by a hypnotherapist. You can get a FREE introductory video to this product and service. Just join mailing list at top right of this page.
BOOK PRIVATE HEALING. As well, if you would like a personal healing session with me just go here to book.
RECOMMENDED BOOK. Lastly, here is a recommended book on healing yourself using rainbow healing.
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