KARMA, CAUSE and EFFECT. Karma is fake. There is no cause and effect. Learn how to create by directly accessing The Field of Creation.
The last piece which channeled through me, TRANSCENDENCE: How to Create Miracles, was about the higher vibration where there is no karma or cause and effect. This vibration is the dimension of CREATION.
Scientists on earth call this “The Zero Point Field,” where the Collective Unconscious, ESP and spontaneous healing can be accessed.
The earth field is duality, cause and effect and karma.
In summary then, there is a way to create at will bypassing cause and effect.
You don’t even have to be deserving of desired outcome! All you have to do once you enter The Field is set intention.
Now this may sound a bit simplistic, but it has already been proven in scientific experiments that a plant can be made to grow bigger when a strong intention is sent in the correct way.
This book goes into the background of these experiments.
Notice how I highlighted the words “sent in the correct way.”
While still in the earth frequency of cause and effect, duality and three dimensional thinking the idea of spontaneous creation seems improbable.
However, spirit has revealed to me in the article mentioned above there can be everything at any moment when intention is projected.

So how do you send intention correctly?
Here is some channeling from The Ones on this subject.
Dear SGs (Spirit Guides) how does one enter The Field and send intention correctly?
The Field is not known to most on earth. Most individuals on earth believe that in order to have something they must earn it, suffer to find it, work for it and so on.
This could not be further from the truth, EXCEPT for the fact an individual must send intention.
This is the earning of results. Nothing more.
Many on earth might think, why did this person get this or that? How did she find that husband, she is so fat, ugly or does not deserve?
How did this man get to be so wealthy when each time I tried to make wealth it was taken from me for seemingly no reason other than a lack of luck.
We in the spirit world need to communicate to you that it is not in the earning that creation is made.
It is in the intention that good things are happening to you now and are always coming to you.
You must know that you are creation itself. You do not earn creation. Creation is you right now.
Imagine that you had a magic wand and simply could swing it at will when you desired to create something.
Now image us. This is what we have. When we in the spirit world desire to create circumstance we simply do so with creation intention.
You can do this now on the earth plane simply by setting intention when in the field.
The Field is the place of miracles where intentions take form and become real.
Notice that in the Field you intention will happen right away. When you set intention when in the field of intention you will see results very quickly.
You do not have to believe that this is so. All you have to do it is do it.
So how do you do it?
You ask for what you want or desire while in a meditative space. A daydream space.
It is helpful to be doing something pleasing when asking as we mentioned in the Transcendence article.
We asked that you close your eyes, listen to music and allow your hand to draw or write upon a page while you kept sending your intention.
This is the safest and easiest way to set intention. This is setting intention is the space of creation.
There are other spaces of creation.
You must feel like you are in a daydream state.
So how do you feel this way? What do you do that is expressive and creative at the same time?
Work can be this way. Any activity that uses the right side of the brain is in the space of creation.
Find your way.
It could be singing, writing playing music, dancing, exercising, asking in prayer from a higher power. The list of creation places is non exhaustive.
We ask only one thing of you when you do this. Know that it is us that is doing this with you, for we are the power and the one with God.
God is the power of creation. It is not you separated from God.
It is God, the energy of creation, that does the creation.
If you keep this in mind you cannot go wrong, for if you do not keep this in mind you may think it is you alone that did this.
This could be no further from the truth.
This action is not you doing anything other than uttering what you want while in the creative space.
If you thought it is you doing the creation you will hinder the process. You will get in its way because you will think you need to do something to make it happen!
This is your fearful ego trying to take over. Beware!
Trying to make something happen is just the opposite of creation. Allowing the Higher Power to act upon your creative intention is the only way to create outside of the space of cause and effect.
This is the space of miracles, also called The Field.
God, the creative force behind all things, is The Field. God takes up your intention and actualizes it.
We love you and all of you who try. We are here to help you as best we can.
We only ask that you ask us for help in your dreams at night or during the day when you are in activity. Ask that we help you by praying for help.
We are the actors and creators of God who rush in to help you.
The Ones
Hi Katibe, What a wonderful world we live in, that karma can be fake, but also true. In this world there are no absolutes, just point of view. I love the books by Dr. Michael Newton like “Journey of Souls,” because it interviews the consciousness of souls in spirit. He kind of gives the bottom line on this stuff. I look at everything as consciousness. Karma exists if you believe it is needed for you or you do not know how to rise outside of it.
Hi Laura, Hope all is well! Thank you fior this sharing. The Universe has a cosmic sense of humour! Perfect timing! I just finished my blog post on adultery and karma and I find your email that karma is fake! Plus, I have a chapter on karma in my upcoming e-book. I will ponder and reread what you shared as I like to keep an open mind! Hmmm…Namaste.