MANIFEST AUTOMATICALLY with SOUL ABUNDANCE. Your Purpose is Your Prosperity.
Confused about your Soul Purpose? Feel blocked, blue or stuck? Hard to manifest love, money? Holding excess body weight? SOUL ABUNDANCE can help you heal to manifest your ideal life.
You will receive several resources one of which is the a FREE Archetype Quiz to help you discover your authentic self, your soul purpose.
As well, you will receive a link to the FREE SOUL ABUNDANCE WEBINAR, which is a FULL VIDEO INTRODUCTION to the material below.

Soul Abundance Book
Laura has written a book called “Soul Abundance,” Below are Testimonials About the Soul Abundance Book.
David Rojas. About the Book. “This is a wonderful, easy-to-read, and (bringing Spirit) down-to-earth approach to understanding and implementing a method for creating luck and attracting everyday miracles in life. Laura’s personal stories and conversational narrative style render the content very accessible. While we’ve all heard about the law of attraction before, this 4-step approach to bring more of what you LOVE into life seems novel and incredibly doable — as evidenced by personal stories as well as those of her clients, friends, and family.”
Gail Sommers. About the Book. “A MUST READ Very well written and thought provoking about life’s ups and downs. Provides insights as to how negatives can be changed to positive in your life with actual Exercises to implement the ideas. Make your life happier, more peaceful and accepting of what is…is by reading this book. I refer to it on a daily basis and learn something new every time I read it.”
S. W. About the book. “Spirit Medium Laura really does such an AMAZING job with putting a simple and helpful Law of Attraction process together. My favorite part is her personal stories in which I can easily relate to. Yes, each of us can change the negative into positive in a simple process. I found it very spiritual, inspiring and cannot wait to start manifesting what truly makes me happy. I highly recommend it and thank you for offering it at such an affordable price! Awesome!!!”

Soul Abundance Introductory Video HERE or watch below.
What is Soul Abundance?
Soul Abundance is L-O-V-E
- Let Go Fear (Worry, Ego, Karma) (Spiritual Law of Non Resistance) using Meditation, Mindfulness, Spiritual Retreats, Chakra Healing.
- Open Soul (Intuition, Soul Purpose, Dharma) (Spiritual Law of Soul Purpose) with Archetypes, Akashic Records, Astrology, Numerology, etc.
- Vibrate Joy (Alignment, Authenticity, Automatic Manifestation) Spiritual Law of Attraction, Vibration & Frequency using Visualization, Manifestation, Crystals, Essential Oils, Spiritual Jewelry.
- Engage Flow (GOD: Guidance, Opportunity, Destiny). Spiritual Law of Divine Flow using Spiritual Guidance, Synchronicity and Fulfillment.
Key Benefits of Soul Abundance
- A- Abundance
- Access your right work, so prosperity flows to you.
- Actualize your potential.
- Attract and create love relationships in divine harmony with you.
- Achieve the ideal body weight of a satiated soul.
- Ask for what is right for you.
- Argue no more, allowing opposing voices to be heard.
- Additional:
- Trust your feelings.
- Know and accept YOU.
- Replace resistance with revelation.
- Replace struggle with synchronicity.
- Shift from surviving to thriving.
- B – Be led by Guidance, Opportunities and Destiny (GOD).
- Be loving, less combative.
- Be triggered less.
- Be Bold! Have charisma, confidence and shine!
- Be who you are! Ah, so peaceful.
- Balance faster after loss, breakups or disruption
- Become powerful in quiet authenticity.
- U – Unite with Prosperity in MONEY, LOVE, HEALTH. Prosperity automatically comes from passionate, work you love doing. Money, love and health automatically attract to those emanating a prosperity consciousness.
- U – Unravel YOU. Clarify who you are to express your true authentic self, so powerful.
- N – No more failed Law of Attraction and Manifesting. LOA and manifesting do NOT work when coming from EGO (fear)! Replace manifesting by flowing in the supernatural intuitive, creative power of your soul, which is far more abundant than manifesting ever could be.
- D- DharmaActivation. Know and accomplish your soul purpose, your Dharma.
- Discover and embrace uniqueness as your greatest asset.
- A – Additional:
- Trust your feelings.
- Know and accept YOU.
- Replace resistance with revelation.
- Replace struggle with synchronicity.
- Shift from surviving to thriving.
- N – No more imposter syndrome. Experience the power and prosperity that can only come from being your unique vibration and expression of self.
- C – Calm, centered and peaceful. As you realize and recognize your authentic self and support its expression, a new calm and peace settles into you. You become centered, poised and fulfilled. When you are peaceful you eat to live, not live to eat. You discuss opinions with others calmly, peacefully. You live in the flow of magic.
- Confident. Feel serene, balanced, worthy.
- E – Experience effortless creation from visioning.
- Evolve to JOY.
- End loneliness.

Soul Abundance is Self Actualization
GET WHAT YOU LOVE by BEING WHAT YOU LOVE! When you choose joy, bliss and authenticity, your vibration reflects your higher self. This in turn attracts in like vibration experiences.
Like attracts like.
Manifesting evolves from visualizing what you want to vibration alignment with your joy. As you follow your bliss you attract more bliss.
This shift is extremely powerful as it moves you above cause and effect to YOU being YOU which is the creative state.
Similar to Maslow’s Heirarchy of Needs you will move up the evolutionary chain from physical survival to actualization of your soul potential. You will journey from FEAR to LOVE in an experiential setting.
Problem Addressed | Prosperity Activation |
Fear of Death, Survival. Are you afraid you will die, not have enough air, water, food, shelter, etc? Afraid of everything? | Attach to something bigger and thrive! Know you will be just fine no matter what happens. |
Poverty Consciousness. Are you afraid you will not have enough of something like employment, money, health, property? | Feel Safe. Activate your connection to infinite source, your GOD Flow for abundance. |
Loneliness, Alone. Do you feel very lonely, like you do not belong to anyone or anything? Do you have no sense or a weak sense of connection to others? | Feel LOVE, first for self, then with this, a genuine, lasting connection to others. |
Personal Insecurity. Do you feel you are not good enough? Do you have low self esteem? Do you feel not deserving? | Gain Self-Esteem. Feel good about yourself. Have self-respect, feel enough, fully expressing your gifts. |
Adrift. Do you feel pointless without purpose? Are you unsure of what your gifts are, what you came to earth to do? Do you long to become the best version of you, but do not know where to begin? |
Actualize Your Potential! Arrive at JOY! Live
in accordance with your soul plan, fulfilling its purpose with all
the power, magic and magnificence such alignment provides. Enjoy 1. Intuitively, Creatively living in the flow of guidance, opportunities and destiny (GOD). 2. Prosperity from purpose. Claim the work you came to earth to do that fits you like a glove. 3. Automatically attracting your right partner, your Twin Flame, Soul Mate. When you become who you are meant to be all like vibrations align. 4. Actualize perfect health as you basque in the joy of knowing your magnificence has been activated. |

The more you LOVE YOU, the more LIFE LOVES YOU!
Soul Abundance uses L-O-V-E to transform your life:
- Let Go Karma, Cause & Effect, Blocks, Resistance, Suffering, Problems and Limitations.
- Open Dharma, the magic of your Soul Purpose, your passion, what you love.
- Vibrate Authenticity in Resonance with Your Soul Purpose!
- Engage Intuition, your GOD Flow, (Guidance, Opportunities and Destiny) to live your dreams for this lifetime!
Here is how to do the L-O-V-E steps.
The following is a self paced mini course you can do to begin your evolution from problem to prosperity.
FREE! Join our mailing list on Sidebar to be taken to the FREE Soul Abundance Webinar, an introduction to the full course.
These exercises are similar to
what is in the full Soul Abundance Course.
You can try to do these on your own to glean aspects of SOUL ABUNDANCE THRIVE to JOY with LOVE. The full course is more detailed and thorough, taking you through the exercises and homework assignments.
Weekly Focus Do a new Meditation Exercise a day, completing at least 4 in one week. |
MEDITATION EXERCISES: 1. Play a meditation like white noise, theta or ocean sounds that places you into a deep meditative place. 2. Focus on the exercise mentioned below. 3. Journal after the meditation to see what message you get for yourself. |
Week 1: Letting Go of Problems. Define, Release negative blocking beliefs, karmic situations, resistance, fear, life challenges, current limitations, negativity, etc. |
Meditation 1: Systemic karmic issues, life
limitations and beliefs. Ex. My parents were alcoholics. The Box
Meditation. Personify karmic problem. Image a BOX in front of you
which sucks your problem into it . Hand it to higher power.
Journal after the meditations to see what message you get for
yourself. Meditation 2: Systemic negative beliefs. Ex. I believe I am not worthy of love. Meditation White Light. Personify beliefs. Cloud of White light encases. What do you see after the cloud is cleared? Journal your thoughts. Meditation 3: Current external limitations and problems haunting you. Ex. I am surrounded by negative people. The Butterfly Meditation. Personify problem. Butterfly touches and transmutes it to a flower. What flower did you get? A message is in it. Journal on what you get. Meditation 4: Current internal limitations and beliefs about self. Ex. I don’t have the courage, discipline or strength to do this or that. Guardian Angel Meditation. Personify the problem. Guardian Angel appears before you. Ask your guardian angel for a message. Journal on what you got. |
Week 2: Opening your Passionate Soul Purpose and Plan. |
Meditation 1: Spirit World. What service would
I perform for others in the spirit world? Journal on what you got.
Meditation 2: Want. I would be so happy if I had [blank]. Journal on what you got. Meditation 3: Wealthy. If I were wealthy what would I do with my time, money and life? Journal on what you got. Meditation 4: Epitaph. What do you want to see written on your epitaph? Journal on what you got. |
Week 3: Vibration Alignment with Soul Purpose. |
” Meditation 1: Create symbol and mantra for what you want and use in meditation. Repeat mantra during meditation for at least 10 minutes. Meditation 2: Scripting. Write down your life as if all the things you want in it are happening now for 10 minutes minimum. Focus on feelings like “I am so happy and grateful that.” Meditation 3: Visualizing. Sit in meditation visualizing your perfect life, desire and/or dream for 10 minutes minimum. Meditation 4: AS IF JOURNALING. Journal how to get what you want while in deep meditation for 10 minutes minimum. |
Week 4: Engage your GOD Flow (Guidance, Opportunity and Destiny). As you live mindfully, intuitively and creatively in the now, your SOUL PURPOSE emerges. You THRIVE, TRANSCEND and PROSPER. | Meditation 1, 2, 3, 4: Focus on your desire in meditation then each day journal for guidance from spirit as to next steps. |
Join our mailing list ON SIDEBAR to receive the FREE SOUL ABUNDANCE WEBINAR, which is the FULL VIDEO INTRODUCTION to this material.