The Law of Attraction Secret. Every now and then spirit reveals something something new to me about how to attain life goals, dreams and desires.
The most recent “aha” moment for me was realizing how I was not reflecting what my soul wanted in what I was asking to manifest.
I kept asking for something over and over again, but only got negative Law of Attraction results.
Then one day, the clouds parted. I realized I was not asking for what I really wanted. I was asking for what those around me wanted.
I was unclear as to what I really wanted because I thought it impossible, not realistic and not what others around me wanted (therefore perhaps not even desirable).
As soon as I realized this what I really wanted became clear.
My long annoying list of what I though I wanted and could never remember, melted into a three word description. After this, I felt a deep sigh of relief, realization and rectification.
I also felt excited because I secretly knew that as I realized this the reality of it was close behind.
The takeaway:
You may think you know what you want, but if it is not coming to you, if you see no magical law of attraction happening around it, I bet you this is something you want because it will make you feel SAFE, POPULAR or RICH.
When we come from FEAR which is EGO we produce fearful or empty results.
When we come from LOVE which is SOUL results may be different than what you expected, but in the end, they are for highest good of all.
An example of this could be a woman who fell in love with someone. He leaves her, but she wants only him back.
No matter how much she prays or uses the Law of Attraction the outcome was the same. He never came back.
Does this mean there is no God, no Law of Attraction, no help from a higher plane.
No. I means that when we want from fear, loss or limitation, we create that outcome.
If she could fill the void, the fear of being alone without this man within herself, she would have a shift.
This shift could bring in her true love. She might even discover the man she was so fixed on had some hidden toxic secrets. Being without him might have been better for her in the long run.
When we want from love, which is infinite abundance we realize there can be no loss, ever. We realize we are filled with the creative force itself which is love.
This heals us into releasing our true power as a co-creator from spirit. The dialogue with our higher self becomes amplified.
We are led.
Explore your desires from a higher perspective and you will begin to experience miracles. What you thought could not be changed suddenly is.
It is by moving from fear, which is trying to control things, to Letting Go which is activating the first step to LOVE, you will find a divine flow of miracles will enter your life.
Let Go. Let God.
Let’s see what the Ones have to say about this in a channeled piece.
Dear Spirit Guides how does one get in touch with what they REALLY want so the Law of Attraction becomes automatic?
How does a human get what they want in life?
The ego is a great place to start with the answer to this question.
The ego will make you feel like you should want something that those around you want. This attainment will make you feel complete.
When you begin to strip away “should,” from your vocabulary you will begin to see that the world does not want something for you, you need to want it for yourself.
You begin to look inwardly at your real feelings, desires and wants without seeking the approval or opinion of others.
When you can see this you will begin to get what you want in life as if by accident or automatically. Very little effort is needed.
This is why it is so important to spend time with yourself, alone in quiet contemplation.
This is doing nothing but getting in touch with what you feel, how you feel and then stating and expressing that.
Those that can do this find that getting what they want in life becomes easiest.
So we recommend to take time being alone, asking yourself what you want and then listening to that.
Here is a simple way to do this.
Take time to be still in meditation.
Ask then what you feel is right for you on the subject of money, love or whatever it is you want.
Then ask your self if others around you are seeking this too. If your answer is no then you have gotten to a REAL want versus a WANNA BE WANT.
When you ask yourself what you want and the answer appears to be fantastic, not possible or irrelevant you have found a truth about yourself.
The things you REALLY want at a soul level (not ego level) are the things you think are impossible for you. They are not the things all your friends and family are telling you to want.
They are the things you want, cannot stop wanting, no matter how much you try.
So become the person you are meant to be by asking yourself what you really want and then beginning to state that in a Law of Attraction Self Actualization Prayer.
Ask every day that your true dreams come true. See it so.
Matter not what others think. Better yet do not tell others this, for their lack of belief can extinguish the fire in you.
Be who you are and the mystery of attaining it will be solved for you. All things come to those who know and ask for what they really want at a soul level.
The Ones through Spirit Medium Laura

Wow, that was interesting. At times we all get so confused as we blend with our friends and family. We try to attain what everyone else wants, not what we really want.
This will not work. Manifesting with The Law of Attraction will not be activated.
One must ask for what they really want at a soul level to get the supernatural energy of the universe to work for us.
Spirit Medium Laura