WORRY or WONDER: Law of Attraction Journaling the Right Way

Law of Attraction Journaling is an excellent way to focus your thinking for law of attraction creation. Learn how to do it the right way here.

WORRY or WONDER:  Law of Attraction Journaling the RIGHT Way to Create Your WORLD.   Journaling can be an excellent way to focus your thinking and creation process.   But this is tricky.  Learn how to do it here.

Can you imagine being able to choose the world in which you live?  Let’s say you could literally order your life as if you were looking through a catalogue of choices.

There you see it.  Your ideal life, right now on sale!

You click on the life, place it in your cart, go to check out and VOILA, you have a new life!

Well, err, you CAN!

Yes, you can choose worry or a wonder filled life.   Each world is your choice, your creation.

This does not happen because you MAKE it happen.  This happens because you choose it to happen.

How do you choose the WONDER filled life rather than the WORRY filled life?

Through focus, my dear friend.  FOCUS.

FOCUS is your FRIEND, not hocus pocus!  Focus is real, the ideal tool to choose your world to activate the law of attraction into action.

Focus can be tricky to do.  Especially if you buy into the drama of loss.

Yesterday I received a phone call from a friend-acquaintance.  His life had decayed to the point of  homelessness.  His wife sharing that journey with him, was threatening suicide!

When I suggested he live in a shelter for now, he said he could and would not.  The shelter he found in Miami was unacceptable to him and his wife.

It was too dirty, ethnically alien and removed from the upscale life he had known.

Yes, he really said that to me but in a way that sounded almost plausible.  He was buying his crap.  I was analyzing it.

Then I suggested he get a job.  He quickly told me how he just could not work at Publix, the local super market chain here.

The lights were too bright inside for him.  They give him a head ache!

Really.  He said this.

Then he said he could not work at McDonald’s because they would not hire him because he was too old.

I thought about Walmart.  I had seen people working there who were old.  So I suggested this.

He sort of paused in a dumbfounded stupor.

Guess he had no retort for that.

Finally I explained.

You can choose WORRY or WONDER.  You can choose the world in which you live.

Brown Monkey Photo

Imagine for a moment you did get a job at Walmart even though you were older and you had to live in a shelter for a while.  Over time you began to save and climb out of the world you created wittingly or not.

I once was a millionaire.  I lost the money through bad investments.

I take responsibility for this.

Finally after many years of denial and even beginning to create homelessness, I began to get better.

I began to create something new for myself.

I went back to work.  It was hard, very hard, at first.

I had worked my entire life to be financially free.  Now I was financially fumbling.

The work I could do caused me much consternation.  Many people did not respect the work I did as if I was an evil charlatan, out to scam them.

At cocktail parties I would feel embarrassed at times when the question came up, “What do you do?”

But over time I healed.  I realized as I changed my habits of WORRY to WONDER I could create a new world in which to live, literally changing my universe.

One example of this is how I viewed my loss, my work and my life.  Did I see it as shameful or did I see it as an accomplishment?

But even more than how I defined myself, only 8 years later do I see something more.

This something is literally what we focus on.

I finally began today my WONDER JOURNALING.  I did not exactly know how to do it, even though I had written articles on this before.

The reason is, I had forgotten to do IT!!!

I got the message from spirit, but never implemented it.  Is this you?

Have you heard that it is important to focus on what you want rather than worry about what you do not want as part of activating law of attraction, but had no exact way to do this?

So today I started my ABUNDANCE JOURNAL.   I began to write down what I wanted.  That misled me to write about what I don’t want, didn’t want and what to do about it.


I realized then WONDER JOURNALING is simply, very simply, writing about what you want as if it is HAPPENING RIGHT NOW!

You enter the now of creation.  You simply write about what you have now as if you have it now.

I can assure you this is a lot of fun.

I did it for 15 minutes today.  I consider this a minimal amount of time to marinate in MAGICAL CREATION.

I set a timer and went for it.

You can do this too.

Hey, let’s both do it.

How about a 30 days WONDER JOURNALING challenge?

Share with me your results.  I will be sharing with you mine.


Spirit Medium Laura

Book your private session with Laura at www.BookLaura.com

Further WONDER….

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