LAW OF ATTRACTION LOVE: Manifesting Meditation to Attract Love

LAW OF ATTRACTION LOVE:  Manifesting Meditation to Attract Love.

BUY RECORDED VERSION with energy downloads at bottom of this page.  The free written version on this page can be helpful.  However, it cannot and does not contain the energy shift and healing possible from the channeled downloads.

INSTRUCTIONS for USE:  Must use HEADSETS to receive the downloads.  Please be in a quiet, private, comfortable location with about 20 minutes of uninterrupted time to listen to the meditation.  Please be properly hydrated, wearing comfortable, loose clothing.

You do not need to do this more than once to achieve results because once you have received the download you have shifted your vibration.  However, you can do this meditation as often as you like and feel you need to do it.

Do it if it still feels nurturing, refreshing and good. Stop if it feels boring or repetitious.

RESULTS.  After doing this meditation only once I had a huge epiphany.  I realized the feeling I would have when connected to my ONE love relationship would be safe, peaceful and grounded.

At this moment I became aware of attracting to individuals who were exciting, wild and risky.  This one shift in awareness re-calibrated my vibration.  I began to be attracted to those who would be nurturing and safe. 

This one realization alone has already been life changing for me.  I cannot emphasize this enough.


SUMMARY:  This is a Channeled Healing Meditation and Energy Download for law of attraction love.   It is designed to shift your vibration with energy downloads, clearing blocks in your solar plexus and opening your heart chakra to receive LOVE.

Begin Channeling

Most manifesting when done from a spiritual plane is attained by readying your vibration.  If you want love, you have to open your heart chakra as well as remove any ideas of incompleteness from your psyche.

If you desire money or health the same must be done.

We as your guides are working diligently with you day and night to “see” there is no limitation, that the illusion earth puts upon you that you are separate from abundance is indeed a fallacy.

There is no illusion.  There is only the reality that love exists for you.  Love is available to you at every dimension and every plane.

If you are experiencing a lack of love in your own life, it is because you do not believe there is love for you.  But we as your guides know differently.

We know there is love for you. 

Take this magical journey with us today to explore why we say this, prove it to you and then at once open your heart chakra to be ready for love.

We expect if this is done correctly you would have attracted love within a very short time after doing this healing meditation.  Love will suddenly appear to you in many ways, forms and shapes from new relationships of a platonic stance, to new love opportunities of a romantic nature.

So your first lesson in the light of love is that LOVE is everywhere.  It comes in many shapes, forms and conditions.

As you begin to see that love is more than romance, that love is being kind and loving to self first, others second and then THE ONE third, you will find romantic love appears, even if you feel your particular case is hopeless.

Think first of the older widow.  She feels hopeless, alone and dissatisfied without many opportunities for love. 

She thinks the chance of finding love for herself, almost impossible. 

Think then of how she showers herself with love at this delicate time.  She dresses better.  Eats better.  Exercises her body better.  She goes to a counselor so she feels better. 

She takes up a creative hobby or finds a job so she knows her worth better.  Finally, one day on an impulse she decides to have her hair style changed, so she is certain she appears better to others. 

She takes care of herself so she feels better. 

After going through this personal transformation, she begins to sense a feeling of love for others.  The more she nurtures herself the more she feels she can nurture others.

In this more loving space, she meets more people, becomes more outgoing and finally magnetically attracting to others.  Somewhere along the way, by focusing on others more, she leaves self consciousness behind, leaves behind the sense of being alone, becoming then more connected to others.

One day while in the middle of all this life, she turns the corner and bumps into THE ONE.  She has met a new romantic partner.

Luck is said to be when opportunity meets preparedness.

What then are you doing to prepare for love?  Are you sitting home at night alone feeling sorry for yourself, or are you engaging in the art of life, living it to its fullest?

The latter, my dear, is the way, the path, to love.  Live love and love will live in you!

Here is a magical manifesting download to shift your vibration, your thinking, to the mindset of love so you can easily use the law of attraction to attract love. 

Meditation Begins.  We will be silent for a moment as you do each step.

1.  THINK ABOUT YOU.  Think about your self for a minute.  How do you feel about yourself?  Do you think you are attractive physically, mentally, emotionally?  Do you have friends?  Do people like you?  We will be silent for a moment as you do this.  Good.

YOUR TALENTS?  Think of any activities you have done lately in which you excelled.  Take a moment to focus on this idea right now finding one to ten great moments in your life of late, where you were exceptional. We will be silent for a moment as you do this.  Good.

2.  RELAX STOMACH.  Take a moment to relax your solar plexus and abdominal area.  Ask for spirit God to come in during your inhale and clear any negativity from you during your exhale at this particular area in your body. 

Now repeat silently to yourself after us, “Spirit God I thank you, for clearing all blocks I have, to finding love right now.” 


3.  SEE WHITE LIGHT.  Now take a moment to see the presence of spirit God as white light entering your body at your stomach area on inhale moving through your entire body filling it up into your chest, arms, neck, head and down through your lower torso, hips, legs and feet.

4.  STAY LIGHT.  Now stay with this image of you filled with light for a moment or two more.  Hold this image in your mind’s eye, feeling it now.  We will be silent for a moment as you complete this.  Good.

5.  BE THE ONE.  Now repeat after us, “I am light and filled with love.  I am THE ONE and know it now.”  Envision your self as a majestic king or queen seated on a throne of light, holding your staff, being powerful, solid and whole.  We will be silent for a moment as you visualize  this.  Good.

6.  LOVE ENERGY CENTER.  Now draw your attention to your heart area.  This is the foundation for the law of attraction love to work.  See it now as a green light filling your chest, housing a beautiful white lotus flower within its center.  We will be silent for a moment as you complete this.  Good.

7.  THE LOTUS FLOWER stands for opening to higher dimensions of light and love.  Now see within the center of your lotus flower a pink light begins to form.  This light represents love coming into your energy field.  As you hold and house this light you attract love because you become the vibration of love.

8.  CHANNELED DOWNLOAD 1.  Imagine holding this pink light within your lotus flower a moment longer.  Now for a moment longer just be there in this state holding the vibration of love as pink light at the center of your heart chakra to receive the CHANNELED DOWNLOAD.  We will be silent for a moment as we send and you receive the download.  Good.

9.  HOLDING HANDS.  Begin to envision yourself holding the hand of another.  This is your ONE.  This is your love partner, the person you will now move through life with in close loving relationship.  Hold the hand of your loved one now. 

10.  NATURAL SETTING.  See yourself in a natural setting with your ONE.  What is your favorite natural setting?  The beach, the forest, the mountains, a sunset, dusk, a jungle?  Take a moment to choose your favorite natural setting right now.  Good.

11.  FEEL LOVE.  Now imagine you are simply seated with your ONE in this natural setting for a few minutes longer.  How does this feel? 

Focus on the feeling of being in love with your ONE right now.  Be simple about this.  You may feel peaceful, excited, connected, warm or relaxed.  Whatever your feeling give it credence and availability right now. 

CHANNELED DOWNLOAD 2.  Be in this feeling for a moment or two longer to receive another CHANNELED DOWNLOAD.  We will be silent for a moment as we send and you receive the download.  Good. 

12.  COME BACK.  Now come back into the room.  Be still, feel the air around you.  Enjoy your breath.  Come back into this dimension.

13.  RESULTS.  Within a fort night (2 weeks) you will experience an event bringing your ONE closer to you.

14.  ENJOY the journey.  You may listen to the audio meditation as often as you like, when you feel the need to do so.  When working with vibration calibration there are times you might feel dizzy, thirsty or just need to sleep.   If you do feel these symptoms merely rest and hydrate.


The Ones as channeled through Spirit Medium Laura

Book your private session with Spirit Medium Laura at


Buy this meditation for your own vibrational shift so the law of attraction love works for you within a fort night.  The meditation is 17 minutes long.  Fee for it is $53.