This material was channeled today in preparation for Wednesday’s first webinar, which will begin to prepare you to manifest love or anything you want in your life.
Channeling Begins on Law of Attraction Love.
“Ask of yourself not what you can do for another, but rather what you can do for yourself. Today’s theme will be self love.
Sit in a comfortable position. Start to breath from your feet up through each portion of your body. Breath in as if your feet were your lungs. Then on exhale relax your feet.
Go up through your body to your calves, thighs, torso, arms, hands, neck and finally head treating each part of your body as if it were a lung from which you could breathe.
Today is going to be a great day. Take a moment to ask yourself and write down. “What will make today a GREAT day for me?”
Take a moment to pay attention to anything that comes into your head.
Now grab a pen and paper. Good. Write down what has come into your head.
Now think for a moment. “Tomorrow will be a great day too.”
What will you do tomorrow to make it fun, fulfilling and happy for you?
And then the next day?
Keep thinking about this for a moment or two longer.
Now take a moment to think about something you have been wanting in your life at this time. What do you think of?
What is it? Love, money, a new house, a new job, your life the way you want it?
Write this down in detail. If you want more than one thing take a moment to visit the dynamic triad of LOVE MONEY HEALTH. Go into teach triad and write down what you want.
We will prompt you here.
In the area of money what do you want? Write it down.
In the area of health what do you want? Write it down. Good.
Now see yourself upon awakening to a new day. Imagine you have this dynamic triad in your life right now.
What kind of a bed do you wake up in? Write it down.
Are you alone or with someone? Write it down.
Good. What do you do at this time? Do you arise? Where do you go? Write it down. Continue this exercise a moment longer.
Do you have a window in your bedroom? What is outside of it? See this now. Write down what you saw.
We will continue this exercise a few moments longer so you can begin to “see” a new life for yourself. This is your life. You can make it anyway you want it, but you have to take the time to “see” it thusly.
Continue to your place of breakfast. Where are you? At the kitchen counter? Out back dining al fresco with a servant serving you? Where are you eating breakfast?
Is there a view?
Here is a sample scene. “I now see a view outside of my mansion. I am seated out back. Dining al fresco. I see high mountains all around me like the Swiss Alps. The temperature is around 70 degrees, it is sunny outside. It is spring in the mountains. It is magnificent.”
Continue with your own fantasy a while longer.
This is your life. Continue writing this down.
Your instructions today are to take something from your ideal day list and do it. Then each night before you go to bed read off your ideal day in your life. Ask spirit to fulfill this for you immediately. We will check back in a week to see how you are doing.
The Ones through Spirit Medium Laura”
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