Law of attraction love works when you understand the interaction of opposite polarities. When the female and male polarities switch completion occurs.
So how does one deal with the polarity of negative, which is the male energy? It is not negative in the sense of wrong or bad.

It is merely a receptive energy for the positive. So the negative energy receives the positive energy of the female.
You have been taught that the female energy is receptive and that is in another system.
But in the polarity system the male energy receives the female energy to complete itself.
We know this might sound strange but the male energy on earth is there to be completed by the female energy not the other way around, so to deal with a male energy you must understand it is seeking something.
It is seeking completion.
This brings the female energy to a new status of positive, sought, needed and revered.
The next time you feel that the male energy is difficult or distant or indifferent believe in this idea. That this male energy is trying to find its completion, its anchor.
With this we know that you will be better able to complete yourself as a female.
The female energy is the opposite. It is completion. It is the home, the anchor, the weight of being something.
So when a female energy being would like to attain a male energy being in her life she must understand that she is the completion of the male.
She sets the location, the coordinates, the destination and the tide. She is the anchor so to speak.
The anchor allows the home to be built around it. The anchor is the way the woman the positive energy can complete the man.
She must “set the table” so to speak of love.
When she understands that she offers completion to the the male energy she will honor her female qualities more and try to be less male or negative energy.
She will dress the table, set the table and enhance the table, the place for love.
She can create a space of comfort, love, union and joy.
This is why those females that approach a male energy being as a male, in combat, attempting to attain recognition, glory and fame, will find that the male polarized individual will repel not excel towards them.
The she must learn how to become more female in her dealing with male energy to attain polarized opposites.
Polarized opposites tend to stay together longer. The union is tighter, the bond stronger.
A male cannot exist for long without the female bond of love, so each and every time you see a male “out there” just simply draw him closer with the female polarization of comfort, attention, love, nurturing, setting the table for love in his life.
The male understands battle, conflict and contest. He does not understand love.
The female understands love. Love is what the polarized male seeks. Without it he will die. A male needs love.
But it must be love he has found, wants and is willing to fight for. A male energy will not accept love if it is too easily given.
It must take time to cultivate, to nurture, to attain. When a male energy being goes after love and finds it he will feel like he has won something significant.
So in summary, if the female energy on earth seeks love she must “set the table” for love.
The male will seek to find this table, but will not value it unless he has warred to get it.
A male energy needs love just as much as the female but will fight against it.
If you are female polarity on earth and want love you must ask yourself, “How can I set the table for love in my life?”
The answer is simple. Ask and ye shall receive. As soon as you ask how to set the table for love in your life, you will be guided by us.
We are your angelic guides.
We will start by saying that to “set the table,” means she must open up the bale to others, to invite them in, to ask for the male to attain her. She must be receptive energy to his pursuit.
The is a bit odd, we know, for before we said the male energy is receptive, but so is the female energy when she sets the table for love. She is asking for love or pursuing it when she ask the man into her life by displaying an invitation.
The invitation is the “table.” The Table consists of loving actions, invitations, smiles, asking for answers, seduction, pursuing in a way that invites the male polarized energy forth.
If a female sits back and waits for the male energy to find her, or come to her, she will be missing the opportunity for love. A female polarized energy must pursue with a receptive attitude.
So what we have then is completed energy.
The male is both receptive and pursuing, as is the female.
Earth is a place where the polarization of vibration requires both polarities to operate on both channels.
When negative can be positive and positive negative, we have union and completion, which is love.
The coming together of a male and a female is a form of cosmic unification, where the opposite energies join in union, completing each other.
This is why those on earth seek unification so assiduously. This is why they desire love. Love completes the polarized soul on earth, bringing the completion to a higher, more blissful state.
When you are feeling lonely on earth seek to become the opposite vibration. Negative to positive or positive to negative. Receptive to proactive. Proactive to receptive.
As soon as you switch from the getting to giving and vice versa you will find the completion occurs.
Those women who are very interested in someone completing them, but not in completing the male energy by “setting the table,” will find that love evades them.
Getters must become givers and givers must become getters, for completion to occur.
The Ones, Channeled Through Spirit Medium Laura