Spirit Medium Laura has been channeling, “The Ones,” a group of 5th dimensional beings which help us manifest, bring our dreams into reality. They are behind the Soul Abundance Miracle Law of Attraction Secret available to all who desire to work with this energy.
“Hello, we have come to be with you. Namaste we do salute the God in you. Each and every one of you has the power and the wisdom of the one, the ultimate One, of which we are all a part.
We bring this up to remind you that you have power within yourself, each of you, that is magnificent. You are not separate as the illusion earth has brought upon you. The opportunity to grow and know that you are one with the ultimate creator is here today.
Each of you has the same opportunity in this lifetime and that is to know your wonderfulness, know your oneness, know your magnificence. The best way to know this is through all activities of co-creation.
We will use the metaphor of a garden. The garden you understand as something within which you grow desired objects. If your life is a garden, realize it is one that needs to be tilled inch by inch, constantly removing that which you do not want and replacing it with fertile soil.
The soil to grow a beautiful experience for yourself, a fragrant and wonderful and magical place, to live in, your own life, your own garden. We would like you all to remind yourself that you are the gardener.
You are not spectators you are truly indeed the owner of your life so if you feel a victim at times remind yourself that you are tilling the soil of your own creation. It is not tilling you. You are tilling it.
If you knew this you would be creating new flowers, beautiful flowers, and seeking to remove weeds and undesirable dead things.
You might be wondering but how, how, how do I remove from my garden that which I do not want? Perhaps it is loneliness, isolation, perhaps a lack of money, perhaps a lack of educational foundation. Whatever you place in your garden you can have. You can remove what you desire, literally.
Use the garden metaphor in this exercise to remove what you do not want in your life. Think of your life, while taking a deep meditation in your garden. Then see before you a weed, something that is really ugly and grotesque, growing in your garden. This is a condition you do not like in your life.
See yourself go to the weed. Pull it out of the earth. Get all of its roots. Take it to the side and burn it in a pile. Burn it completely.
Then think of what you want in your garden in place of this. Go to your cottage and find a seed that represents what you want. Perhaps this seed represents a relationship in love or a job you want. Now go back out to the garden.
Dig a hole. Place some fertilizer in the hole with the seed. Cover it up and water it. Then say to the universe, ‘I now have planted this seed for this new condition in my life. And so it is.’
It will grow as anything MUST grow when given the proper amount of nurturing, water, fertilizer and sunshine.
And then each day my dear ones go back into your garden. Watch that plant grow. Nurture it. Watch it blossom. Prune it. Spray it. Water it.
Soon you’ll end that mental attitude that blocks you, replacing it with this new condition you desire.
We will say goodbye now. Namaste. “
Book with Laura. Just as a reminder if you would like a private session with Spirit Medium Laura go to
WATCH CHANNELING of this message. Just go HERE. It starts at about 8 minutes: https://youtu.be/WM51tADGF84