LAW OF ATTRACTION:   See Good, Get Good

I remember when I was taking classes at Science of Mind in Boca Raton, FL, I sat with a lovely lady for lunch one day.  Her name now evades me, but not her words.


She kept telling me how she believed in making lemonade from lemons.  Her husband had cancer, was a published poet, college professor and quite handsome.  But he had cancer and was slowly dying of it. 

LAW OF ATTRACTION:   I kept shaking my head up and down in agreement, but now when I think about it I really did not get the impact of these words.

For today I truly am learning the meaning of those words.  I truly have developed the discipline to “think good,” always. 

I had to for my survival.  You see, after I lost all my money and the man I loved at about the same time, I was forced to create my world using my thinking.  My soul had placed me into a place of being that required I “think good,” so I could, “get good.”

It is working, I must add.  Yes, I am finding the more I put a happy definition to all I encounter, the more all I encounter turns to happiness.  I am forcing myself to create good from everything.

This is not to say, I do not acknowledge my negative feelings.  It rather encourages I experience everything exactly as it is to its fullest extent. 

The more I am in something (not in resistance of it) the more I realize the good in it, even pain!  Isn’t that amazing? 

Rather than resist what is, I embrace it.  In so doing it melts, allowing the “get” from it to emerge.

LAW OF ATTRACTION:   So here is to your happy seeing, so that you may have happy experiences.

God bless.



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