LET GO AND LET GOD: Adventures On The Road To Miracles
I am sure you have heard this phrase before, “Let Go, Let God.” The phrase is perhaps a bit over used, but I believe the concept is underused.
The human condition is set up to worry. When will I get this? Will I ever meet someone who will love me? Will Betty come back to me?
Will I ever get married and have children? Will I be able to retire? Will I win the Olympics?
You name it, we worry about it! (Big Smile.)
Worry. Worry. Worry. Stress. Stress. Stress.
Yesterday was a test of my ability to Let Go and Let God. Of late, I have been extremely relaxed, carefree and happy. Last week was my birthday. I had received a fascinating proposal to be on TV show over the weekend.
I was socializing, with loving friends. Money was great.
Then the worry started again. Why? Something I had been working on was not happening and I again began to play the emotional tape of losing, negativity and never will happen.
I even talked myself into believing that IF I DID NOT WORRY ABOUT THIS EVENT, it WOULD NOT HAPPEN! Gosh, can you top that? Can you?
As this began to occur, I realized it was happening, so I put the brakes on it. I said to myself, RELAX, LET GO AND LET GOD. PRAY again.
I did so, blindly in the dark of the human condition, of not knowing what will happen next, how I will get what I want and how can I change the loser to the winner mind set.
As soon as I did so, things began looking up again. The situation I wanted to happen gently began to appear before me. I was seeing progress!
LETTING GO AND LETTING GOD is so incredibly powerful, my words on this subject will probably continue for some time. It is the Spiritual Law of Non Resistance in action.
That which we resist persists! When we “let go and let God,” with the addition of asking for help from a higher power, spiritual resources will march to attention and perform our wishes.
If you do not, you will not gain help. Spirit waits for your asking, because that is part of your growth in the human condition.
When you ask, you are acknowledging there is a spirit world waiting to assist you. When you do not ask, you are acting like an atheist who believes in nothing but your own power.
Human power is limited. Spiritual power is, well, omnipotent, infinitely powerful!
You can access this power with the LET GO and LET GOD principle.
Spirit Medium Laura
Book your private session with Laura at http://BookLaura.com