The Limiting Belief Syndrome
Recently I was teaching a little workshop called, “Attract Love By Letting Go.” As the class proceeded, we discussed the power of letting go. The objective here was to let go of anything preventing you from attracting love.
Everyone in the room was asked to share a situation in which they let go of something and then attained a goal. As our shared stories proceeded it became obvious. Letting go is a powerful energy tool.

We discussed many “letting go” examples. One attendee explained when she let go of fighting a law suit against a former employer, she obtained a job offer from a new one. Another attendee explained she was totally blocked in letting go and unable to move one.
The room was filled with stories of success and failure about letting go.
My favorite success story is one about my sister. She fell in love at 20 but her love was taken from her by extenuating circumstance. She finally did marry someone else years later. However this husband passed away when she was young.
After his passing she spent the next twenty years struggling to find a suitable partner. Finally she surrendered this unsuccessful campaign to a higher power. When she did, something magical happened.
One evening she was out enjoying herself socially. She was not there to find a partner. She was there to have fun, a distinct feature of letting go.
As she walked around the room, she accidentally ran into a man who looked oddly familiar. In a second she realized he was her first love, the one our father had told her not to marry for extenuating circumstances thirty eight years earlier. The circumstances no longer valid, they married within six months.
Letting go is very, very powerful.
After we shared our stories I asked everyone to write down their beliefs about why they cannot obtain a love relationship. Then I asked them to write down how they feel about their obstacles. Do they feel optimistic, sad, burdened, hopeless or something else? These ideas would be used in our meditation exercise.
I did a “spot check” in the room to see what they had done. It all seemed innocent enough. I did not know what would be accidentally discovered.
All were taken through a powerful “let go and manifest” meditation.
The message service that followed was rather unique. Each attendee was instructed to think of their question but not announce it out loud. One of the attendees was a lovely young woman in her mid thirties. I focused to answer the question she held in her head.
“The answer to your question is no. It will take time.” I stated. “The reason is you are too structured in what you want. If you become more flexible and less rigid in what you want, you will then attract your loving partner.”
Her friend chuckled next to her stated this was true; however, she did not understand what I meant. I reiterated it in a few tactful and gentle ways, yet she still did not understand.
After the workshop was over, she and I further discussed her situation. She revealed she had hundreds of dates, but only two short relationships in the last thirteen years. Each relationship had been inappropriate for one reason or another.
She believed she needed and wanted a very specific package. She wanted someone like herself. Sounds reasonable enough, right?
Well, someone like herself would probably find something wrong with her. Why? Rigid thinking attracts rigid thinking.
It is exquisitely important to examine your beliefs. No matter what, they are the foundation for everything you have in your life. If you do not have what you want, you obviously are holding a belief which has created your current status.
This is a limiting belief.
Look at everything in as objective a way as you can. Your life is your mirror. Look in it to discover your beliefs.
If you cannot see your limiting belief after taking a long look outside of yourself, do the following.
- Get quiet in a meditation. Good free ones can be found on Do one for at least eight minutes.
- Take out a journal and pen.
- Ask yourself the following question. “What do I not like in my life?”
- Allow your answers to flow.
- Next question, “What is the belief behind this condition?” Here is an example. Let’s say you want to marry, but you keep attracting relationships that are not the ultimate match for you. In the same breathe of thinking about finding a mate, you say to yourself, “I have teen age children. My children are my first priority.” The belief in this situation is, “I cannot get married until my children are fully raised.”
- Your belief just jumped out at you. It was limiting you without your conscious awareness.
- Now it is time to release the belief if you desire to do so. (You might consciously decide putting your children first is your choice and cannot happen if you remarried. You may decide that it is possible to find a spouse who has the same priorities so you each understand each other and find a balancing solution.)
- A great way to release a limiting belief is to see it in front of you like an ugly monster.
- Then ask a higher power to take that monster away.
- After it disappears into the heavens, ask you attain your desired goal.
- Very simple, and it works! (This meditation is explained in further detail as “The Miracle Meditation” on my website.)
Knowing our beliefs create our reality is a very simple and easy statement to understand. Finding a way to discover and then release these beliefs is the tricky part.
Remember, if you are living in circumstances you do not like, there is a belief behind it. Find the belief, release it and your miracles will begin.
Secret bonus thought: Your soul is creating lessons for you in this lifetime. Learn the lesson behind the belief and it will be released automatically.
NOTE: Laura Mendelsohn is available for private channeled sessions, spiritual psychic readings, mediumship, Psychic Manifesting: Awaken Your Abundant Destiny, Channeling The Collective Unconscious, Psychic Creativity, Psychic Mediumship and Soul Work coaching. She can be reached at (954) 465-7338 or to set your private appointment or join one of her classes.