Live to 100++ in Good Health. Actualize your soul’s potential by living longer, healthier life with the latest proven scientific research.
Recently I was doing a Skype private session for a client I had not seen in ten years.
The first time I met her was in person. During this session, years later, she said to me, “You look ten years younger! What have you done?”

What I do to lose age, not gain it, is to practice a myriad of steps. These steps I have derived from personal experience, spirit guidance and finally scientific research.
One of the world’s foremost authorities, Dr. David Sinclair, has demonstrated age reversal of mice in the laboratory.
He looks 30 years old, but is 51 years old. Here is a recent video of him. How old you do you think he looks?
Here is a Summary of My “Live to 100″++ Protocol.
- LOVE. Love includes loving yourself. When you love yourself you are in alignment with your basic nature, your soul purpose in life. Doing work you love, which is of service to others. Being supportive of and supported by loving relationships. When you have loving relationships in your life, you live longer.
- HARMONY. When I first met with this client I was going through a highly stressful part of my life, the end of a relationship, the loss of all my money. Now I have learned how to choose peace to live as much in the stress free zone as possible. I choose harmony over conflict. Meditation is a great tool to support this process.
- MOVEMENT. I work out about 60 minutes a day. Some of it High Intensity like ballet classes and stepping with weights. Some of it is simple movement like walking, dancing or swimming. Even if I binge on Netflix I work out while I am doing it, so I keep the blood circulating and the heart pumping. Sitting is the new smoking! Choose a hobby that is athletic. I ballroom dance.
- FAST. Each time you fast, your body gets rid of dead cells (autophagy), cleans out waste and repairs itself. I fast from about 9pm to 12pm most days.
- SUPPLEMENTS. Take age reversal supplements. I take a number of supplements but now am beginning Dr. David Sinclair’s list. Dr. Sinclair, a Harvard geneticist, is a world recognized authority on longevity. The main ones he takes are a vitamin B3 derivative, NMN, Resveratrol, Vitamin D3, Vitamin K3, Omega 3, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Coenzyme Q10 and Quercetin. There are others he is experimenting with like Fisetin. As well, he takes Metformin, a diabetes drug, which has many anti aging benefits. Dr. Sinclair looks 30 years old, but is 51 years old. I have a video above which demonstrates his youthful appearance.
- VEG OUT! WHOLE FOOD PLANT BASED Centenarian diet. This is whole food plant based. 95% of what you eat should be a whole food plant, with fish, eggs or meat as a side dish. Plants can include fruit, green vegetables, beans, nuts and complex carbohydrates. Explained in detail at this link.
Here is a video on the Healthy Centenarian Diet. To summarize this diet Bule Zone Centennarians eat beans, nuts, greens (including fruit), olive oil (or healthy fats) and complex carbohydrates every day. They minimize animal protein to about about 3 ounces a day maximum including fish, fowl, meat, eggs, yogurt, cheese.
A simple way to remember this is Beans, Nuts, Greens, Less animal things.
Here is another way. Use the acronym B-A-N-G. Beans (legumes), Animal (less than 3 oz./day of eggs, fish, fowl, meat, dairy), Nuts (seeds), Go Greens Grains (whole.)
As a Health Medium and Certified Coach I can provide “live to 100++” insight for your life and body in complement to, not replacement for, a licensed medical professional of your choice.