Losing weight after menopause success stories. Finally I got my waistline back after suffering the pandemic shut down set back.
As soon as I sheltered in place my mouth opened at its base. Lethal foods, I had ignored in my fridge for months suddenly became fair game. I caught waistline amnesia!
I threw all caution (and all my healthy habits) out the window. I rationalized I hadn’t gained THAT much weight, until this denial could not weather the truth.
As I tried to dress for a social engagement I could no longer fit into my clothes! A photo was taken that evening of me. I looked pregnant!
That was it. I was not upset, just determined to get healthy again.
When we are over weight and spreading wide, we are out of balance. Our healthy state, as a human being, is to be lean.
After menopause it is really hard to keep the waistline lean, but this area is critical to your longevity. It is the tell tale sign of HOW LONG YOU WILL LIVE!
For each added inch over your healthy waist line you lose one year of life! (From Dr. Bill Sear’s Health Coaching program.)
So if you like the look of added poundage, that is your choice of course. Being overweight can be cute, especially if you are a fat cat!
But realize this is not your ideal healthy state of being.

It is not necessary to gain weight and lose your waistline after menopause. You can be sexy, healthy and lean at any age!
Finally I remembered what I was doing before the Pandemic. I began to eat as my health coaching certification and self education had taught me.
- GREEN is LEAN. Eat mostly green. Green, non starchy, vegetables.
- REAL is IDEAL. Eat mostly unprocessed foods. According to the Whole Food Plant Based movement, even olive oil is processed. If Man had a Hand in creating it, you should not place your hand to eat it.
- FAT is a BRAT! Don’t add any fats, oils to your diet. Eat the food the fat or oil came from instead. Like eat a nut, but not the oil from the nut.
- WEIGHT loses WEIGHT. The more weight I looped, the less I drooped! I began to see my waist line again! I changed my exercise plan from 2 hours of daily walking to weights, stepping and dance movements.
- BREATHE to BURN. When you breathe you burn fat. It is aerobics, simply put.
- SCALE to not FAIL. Each day I get on a scale in the morning to see where I am at. I believe if you want to manage something you have to MONITOR it. My scale in let’s me know when I have fallen off the good habit path and gone amiss.
Well, there you have it. My personal plan to keep lean and fit. I am back at my ideal weight again and can see my waistline!
Feeling so great about it!
Have a great day all!
Spirit Medium Laura