LOVE Formula

LOVE formula.  Good for clearing blocks, setting your vibration, manifesting dreams, healing and psychic work. 

1.  Let Go in meditation.   Do the following guided meditations to soft music like this: For both Manifesting and Psychic Work:  Do the four guided meditations daily.     

Clear each chakra.  Start with a clearing of each chakra.  Send red light through root chakra from back to front and then front to back.  Send orange through the sacral, yellow through the solar plexus, green through the heart, blue through the throat, violet through the third eye and then gather white energy above crown chakra sending down through each chakra to the feet.   Say the affirmation for each chakra as you clear it.  These are the affirmations.

Chakra Archetype – Block

Affirmation – I AM


7)   Connection to Source. WHITE


Myrrh, Violet, Frankincense,

6)   Intuitively led.  VIOLET


Clary Sage, Lemon, Thyme

5)   Expression of my truth.  BLUE


Blue Chamomile, Hyssop, Clementine.

4)   Love, what I love, my feelings, my truth.  GREEN


Rose, Benzoin, Eucalyptus.

3)   Ego, Self Esteem.  YELLOW


Basil, Ginger or Bergamont

2)   Creativity, Sexuality. ORANGE


Jasmine, Geranium, Orange Blossom

1)   Scarcity, Survival, Money.   RED


Patchouli, Vetiver, Sandalwood,

Energize and Set Your Vibration.  Next visualize energy coming up from earth through your legs, torso, neck and head, then release energy out through your pores creating your field.  Do this three times.  First time create a green energy field.  As you do so say, “I am healed.  I am the healer.”   Next time create a pink field.  Say, “I am love, I am loved.”  Last time create a violet field around your body necessary for psychic work.  Say, “I am psychic.  I am violet.  As I surrender to my soul’s purpose I am free of all my karma. “

If you feel to add other colors from chakras above do so, but always use the three mentioned here.  

Connect to Superconscious Mind to Receive Messages and Manifest.  Imagine that you are a clear, transparent and open channel to receive messages and manifest.  Feel and release any tension in your body so it opens and clears.  Now imagine all around you is an intelligent matrix of energy.  This is God.   Imagine this energy permeating your body filling it with the same intelligent matrix.  You are now aligned with the energy of creation to receive and create with ease.    

Third Eye Call.  Think of your desire, be it love, money, success, health.  Create a call for that desire.  Example 1:  “My ideal soul mate, come to me now.  I am ready.”   Example 2:  “Clients that need my type of psychic work, come to me now.  I am ready.”   Visualize earth in your mind’s eye.  Imagine sending this call out from your third eye into the third eye of everyone on earth.  This call is charged with psychic magnetism drawing your desired outcome to you.   Call out 3 to 5 times. 

2.  Open in prayer.    Do affirmative prayer asking for what you want as if you already have it.   For Manifesting or Psychic Work:  Simply state your affirmative intentions.  The following prayer is for psychic work as it stands. 

Father Mother God all beings of the highest light and love come to me now in session for [name].

I thank thee for allowing all messages to come through clearly, accurately with specific facts, names, dates, birthdays, anniversaries, detailed shared memories, recognizable, evidential and validating as needed, desired and understandable for highest good, healing and happiness for all.  

I thank thee for protecting me from all psychic vampires.  I thank thee for sending me powerful and appreciative clients who need your work. 

I thank thee for allowing me to know this is possible for me to do. 

I thank thee for allowing me to be and feel completely relaxed, transparent and neutral as a clear and open channel for God’s love, kindness and expression on earth. 

Please allow me to work only in the highest love, light and protected space possible.  

And so it is. 

3.  Vibration AlignFor Manifesting:  Visualize yourself having your desired dreams.   You can add the “Third Eye Call” from Meditation section above here.   For Psychic Work:  Imagine your psychic clients in front of you in a group.  See them as energy.  Connect your energy to theirs.

4.  Entirely receiveFor manifesting:  Pay attention to the hunches, synchronicities and signs you get.  This is spirit leading you.  If one door closes just find the door that is opening.  This is your next queue.    For Psychic Work:  Deliver the messages of what you get completely.  Do not censor.   All information you get must be honored for you to continue getting messages. 

Additional Help.  Spirit Medium Laura is available for guidance using these miracle channeled tools. 

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