The magic of surrender. Manifesting happens when you surrender effort to The Law of Creation. This law states creation happens without effort.
Have you been trying to manifest this and that in your life, but no matter how much you TRY to bring it in, you end up with the same old Karmic pattern?
This concept is similar to that explained in the MANIFESTING SUCKS article but with a different focus.
Manifesting Sucks talks about creating what is called COHERENT INTENTION by way of a unification with source at the onset of your manifesting process.
The MAGIC of SURRENDER focuses on the manifesting process, but from a spiritual perspective.
You and I are on earth for one thing and one thing only. It is to learn to create desires from a falsely perceived nothing.
This is spiritual evolution. All the great Masters of history created miracles.
As we do so we ascend to higher frequencies, we evolve spiritually.

So how do we apply SURRENDER in this process?
Here is channeled information on this.
Dear Spiritual Guides, how do we use SURRENDER to create something from nothing?
The theory of something from nothing is an old one. We in the spiritual plane of life know how to do this, whereas on earth this idea is foreign or not thought possible.
However, when one uses the right brain on earth they transcend the limitations of the physical to move into what seems the miraculous of the spiritual world.
This spiritual world is as real as your world on earth. It is not any different in that respect.
So please do not misunderstand what we are saying to mean we are not physical.
We are physical in so far as we perceive differences between ourselves and each other.
We are not one large amorphous mass of energy. We are individuals with a real world.
However, this world does not operate according to the laws of earth. We do not have physical limitations which create separation from our intentions.
What we intend is created at will.
So on earth there is a delay. The delay is caused by the mind. The attitude of creation as perceived on earth, is that you must struggle to get what you want, what you want is not available to you.
This idea then suggests you must earn it, create it, or make it with your hands, your effort and your mind.
It is not like this at the root of all things. At the root of creation of all things there is no law of earning something to get something.
Rather it is the law of creation.
The Law of Creation states that what you see is what you get.
So if you see misery, you get misery.
If see Happiness, you get happiness.
What is it that you are seeing today?
It is important to be vigilant in your creation process to evolve from earth to a higher frequency where paradise is the norm.
The idea of surrender weaves into this as follows.
We in the spirit world have surrendered the idea that we create something our self. We do not create something our self.
We create something by letting go of it to the higher principle of creation.
The principle of creation is The Law of Creation. Something can come to be simply by seeing it now.
So we do not create something with effort. We created something with no effort.
If you are trying to manifest life desires through effort, you are GETTING IN YOUR OWN WAY!
Rather see it and it will be so!
This may sound simplistic, but it is so important to achieving dreams while still on earth.
We love you as your Divine Beings. We want to help you create your dreams. We want you to know the truth of creation so you do not waste years asking and not receiving.
We give you our hearts of love and our ideas of bliss for your happiness.
We love you.
Today we will provide a simply strategy to create at will in a surrender process.
Here it is.
When you ask and do not receive it means you are trying too hard, you are trying to MAKE it happen from something.
When you are not getting what you are trying to manifest, it is time to take a break from manifesting it and start to pray to a higher power that it (what you are trying to manifest) be handled for you.
Simply hand it up to a higher power in prayer.
Do not stop asking for what you want, but STOP TRYING TO MAKE IT HAPPEN.
Stop taking action to make it happen.
Rather simply pray that a higher power will intervene.
At times this may seem counter intuitive or even difficult to do, for it is your nature on earth to want to make something happen through efforts of ego.
However, you ARE making effort in surrender and release. So see it this way, rather than you trying to make something happen.
There will be other effort involved for when The Creative Power responds you will have to take action and make effort then.
It is like placing a fish line into the ocean. You set it up. You ask for fish. You place bait on the fishing line. You find a location that is good for fishing. You get all the tools in place.
Then you caste the fishing line into the ocean of life. At this point you let go. You surrender to the process of creation.
And when when the fish is found, you begin to draw it in.
You did not create the fish. You did not drop into the water to find the fish. You simply set it up and allowed it to come to you.
This is Surrender in its most basic form. Ask and receive.
The Ones through Spirit Medium Laura.
To set your private appointment with Spirit Medium Laura go to
Further reading….
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