MIND to MATTER: Manifesting Your Ideal Life.

MIND to MATTER: Manifesting Your Ideal Life.

Saying NO Blocks Your Flow. Learn exact steps to manifest your ideal life using a creative, joyful process.  Learn why failure is your friend as you flow towards prosperity. 

In life when you are resisting what seems like failure when it turns up, you are blocking the psychic creative power of the universe to manifest your ideal life.

The same thing happens in working psychically with clients. When a client says “no.” it could block the psychic channel from delivering excellent results.

Here are two stories about how the psychic channel was blocked and was not blocked by saying NO. There is a difference between, “No, I expect different information then you are delivering and will accept nothing else,” and “No, I don’t understand the messages right now but I accept them anyway.”

Last night I had a client who asked I bring in a very special person for her from the other side. The first thing I mentioned was how I saw the word LOVE floating all around,

She said “No,” that is too general. She had a very specific set of evidence she needed to validate him.

I sat there speechless. Mediumship does not work that way. Its starts out general. Then we build a composite of validations into very specific communication.

If you say NO right away, setting rigid parameters of what you will accept as valid, you block the Psychic Flow. The psychic channel closes down.

In contrast I had another sitter Monday during my podcast. When she said, “No,” she meant, “I don’t recognize the information you are presenting right at this time, however, I will receive it. ”

Because she remained open and received what was said, the psychic information kept flowing. She did not block the flow of psychic discernment.

Later I received an email and a picture of her paternal grandmother. who she now realized I was receiving.

She told me it all made sense after she realized who it was.

She was thinking of a different person, but since she was open to what did come in and did not “NO” it down, the information flowed.

It turned out to be so accurate. I had described seeing the moles on the lower left cheek of an elderly woman who looked Mediterranean. I thought this was a grandmother coming in from spirit! When I saw her grandmother’s picture, there were the moles!

What does this have to do with creating your ideal life? Well, when you say NO to life, to the universe, when you are in resistance to things that seem wrong or too challenging or fearful, you block your prosperity flow.

You literally close the intuitive channel of creation. You cannot manifest your ideal life.

Here is a process to avoid this mistake and get more of what you want from life. It is fun and effective!

I call it JOY Journaling.

MIND into MATTER: Manifesting Your Ideal Life.

IDEAL LIFE. Using IDEAL as an acronym, here are the steps. This works best if you take a 5 to 15 minute mindful meditation before you do these steps.

  1. I AM. Using JOY Journaling state what your really want, who you are, your ideal life as if it is already happening. “I am so happy and grateful that I am now fully retired. I awake every day to relaxed living, in abundant cash flow, with peace of mind and creative expression. My bank is like my ATM. Ahhhhhhh!”






2. DAY in IDEAL LIFE. Continue JOY Journaling to express a day in your ideal life you are living now. Include:

How you wake up.

What you do this day.

What happened next until you complete the day.

Ex. I awoke this morning to the sound of birds outside my window. I was very joyful because I knew today I would go to a Yoga class this morning, then meet friends for lunch. I have complete peace about my investments because now, after months of testing them, I know what I do works and brings in about xx% return a month from my invested capital. It truly is a miracle in progress!

3. EMOTIONS.. Continue JOY Journaling to express how you feel in this ideal life. Get into it.

4. ACHIEVING is BELIEVING. Go back over your JOY Journal entries altering as needed to ensure you believe everything is achievable. If you do not, then go back and alter your IDEAL Life into bite sized pieces you think are achievable. Achievable goals are believable. Belief ensures success.

5. LET GO. Read everything over again, enjoying every morsel of it. Then Let it Go for the day continuing to live your life as best you can.

NEGATIVITY. If something seems to be going wrong, see it as right. The universe uses failure as a way to guide you to success. As one door closes, another door opens.

HAVE FUN WITH THIS! Creating your IDEAL life is a fun and passionate mental journey. It must be done before any actions are taken in your life, much as a builder needs a blueprint for any building he or she desires to create.

Once you have you IDEAL life on paper, continue to write it down again every day using IDEAL as the outline to the steps of creation.

Creation is just a JOY Journal away!

Here is a book on how to activate your dynamic flow in life to create the life of your dreams. Go HERE.

BOOK LAURA. Want a private session? Go to BOOK LAURA to book your session with spirit through Laura.

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