HOW to MANIFEST a PATH to FREEDOM and RETIRE YOUNG! Do you long to live a more soulful life with personal meaning, based on your interests, feelings and identity? This article goes into how to reclaim your life by dumping the materialistic life style for a richly minimalist one.

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HOW to MANIFEST a PATH to FREEDOM and RETIRE YOUNG!   Do you long to live a more soulful life with personal meaning, based on your interests, feelings and identity?  This article goes into how to reclaim your life by dumping the materialistic life style for a richly minimalist one.

The last dream I had last night was my being highly upset because someone had stolen my pocketbook.  It was a beautiful, aqua sparkling bag.

I had been out shopping with a friend, who also had her pocketbook stolen at the same time. We had been in a store that sold all of these fun, fancy clothes for partying, similar to a shop I now frequent.

So what does this mean?   According to my research on dream symbols a pocketbook means your identity.  I do remember in the dream saying everything (my identity) was taken, like my credit cards, my driver’s license, etc.

Last night I was watching one video after another on about CheapRVLiving. I highly recommend this channel.

It is filled with helpful advice on how to chuck the “rat race,” retire early, live as your true adventurous, freedom self.

Here is a video which introduces you to CheapRVLiving concepts.


The last video I watched was how a young couple in their 20s entered this life style as they struggled for meaning in their own lives.

The woman said the career she had chosen and educated to do, sustainable energy, turned into something she did not want to do.  It was not what she had “signed up for.”

She decided she wanted to leave this field and do some soul searching. So personal identity had been her reason and her husband’s reason for entering this nomadic life style.



On Saturday I had been learning about how to retire early.  There is so much on this subject on

When I was in my 30’s I was fascinated by this subject.  I had happened upon a book, “Cashing in on the American Dream:  How to Retire By 35,” by Paul Terhorst.

I was fascinated.  I thought, “You mean people actually can escape the rat race?  There is a path to do this?”

Well, er, yes there is.

Here is a link to his book.

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In it he describes the magical formula.

1. Get the highest paying job you can get.

2.  Get out of debt.

3.  Keep lowering your living expenses.

4.  Keep saving as much as you can.

5.  When the interest off your nest egg savings, covers your living expenses, you are FREE!


After I got the book, I assiduously applied myself, even to the point of using manifesting techniques like Vision Boarding, daily affirmations, etc.

Another book I found, “Your Money or Your Life,” by Dominguez, further solidified my value for freedom.  Here is a link to it.

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In this space I was able to manifest a job with Microsoft, in 1988.  At this time if you received stock options you could very easily become a millionaire.

I didn’t know it then.  To me it was a fairly good job.  Later when I found this out I did then receive some stock options.

I was able to retire ten years later with a rather large nest egg.

Unfortunately I did not choose the freedom life style outlined above, and lost most of that money.

But like the Phoenix rising from the ashes of defeat, I am now getting ready to become free again!

I will continue to do my spiritual work, as this is my calling, my gift, and my purpose.  But I will be changing the place I do it from.

I think.

Stay tuned to see what happens next.


You do not need to manifest a job with stock options.  Mr. Money Mustache is the current leader of the financial freedom movement.

Learn more about him in this book here.

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There is so much on about “Retire Early.”  Most of if specifically illustrates how to lower your expenses, become less of a consumer and more of a saver, so you can reach that magical place where your 4% annual draw from your investments exceeds your expenses.

For example, if you have frugally siphoned down your annual expenses to $27,000 for a family of four, your nest egg needs to be $645,000 to sustain you for life.

Wow!  Enjoy!


Spirit Medium Laura

BOOK APPOINTMENT with your Spiritual Guides through Laura at



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