How to Manifest the Life You Want. Learn the Virtual Martini technique to manifest the life you want in an easy, fun and fantastic way!
After working with a client I received an email confirming something I said in the reading.
The pain in her husband’s body was coming from stress at work.
After I suggested the traditional remedies for stress such as meditation, I realized a person in the middle of a crisis is going to find it very difficult to sit and meditate.
My client’s husband was in crisis, so I had to become inventive.
Suddenly a new, inherently relaxing and fun approach to manifest the life you desire (one free of stress, for example) was revealed to me.
I suggested she have a VIRTUAL MARTINI with her husband. (If you don’t like martini’s substitute something you love instead, like chocolate or a beautiful waterfall.)

A VIRTUAL MARTINI is the act of having a dialogue about the desires and wishes someone has about their future as if they were happening now.
It is daydreaming, but done in a deliberate iterative way, drilling down on the details and building out the daydream until it becomes almost real.
If you were to do this alone with yourself in writing a journal, or simply a daydream, or having a fun conversation with another about your dreams as if they are happening now, you will find your life begins to take the shape of the daydream.
What you focus on, you create in your life!
This is the Spiritual Law of Attention. What you focus on will manifest! Source:
So if you are daydreaming up a storm every day about your ideal life, what you REALLY want, not what you think you can have, you will find this daydream becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.
Daydream your life into being.
Here is more information about this technique to manifest anything into your life in a fun, free, fantastic way.
VIRTUAL MARTINI STEPS: How to Manifest the Life You Want
- Spend 5 to 15 Minutes a day journaling about your perfect life as if it is happening now, like a day dream on paper. From this you can create a simple affirmation to say to yourself when you feel anxious and for the days you can’t do the journaling. Ex. If you hated your job, your affirmation could be LOVE my WORK.
2. If you won’t sit and journal maybe you can daydream about the life you want. You could call this your VIRTUAL MARTINI. :) You can daydream alone or with someone very close to you about your perfect life as if it is happening now.
This creates the life you want on an energy level first. Then it comes into physical reality, automatically. This will not only relax you and lift your mood, it will also help your subconscious attract and create new desirable circumstances automatically.
It works very well. 15 minutes a day, dreams your life into play!
This is all it takes. Your dreams are a Virtual Martini away!
If you simply keep defining what you want and keep asking yourself to fill in the details, this sort of Virtual Martini creates a more positive outlook while helping you to create your exciting, beautiful future.
It’s fun, relaxing and productive!
Many times people come to me for readings about their future. They want to know what is going to happen. I always try to explain what happens is what we are focusing on mentally.
If you are focusing on fear, stress and unhappiness, you create more of that.
A psychic is simply reading the thought forms the client has created around them.
Thought forms create reality. Our future is not fixed. It is something we are creating by focusing mentally on what we want as if it already happened. This my dear friend is the Virtual Martini. :)
Spirit Medium Laura