Manifest methods for love. If you’ve tried to manifest love in many ways but it did not work, here is a method that worked for me.
My Story – Manifest Methods for Love
Three times in my life I have tried to manifest love using a simple prayer aligned with my fully described desired intention to manifest love. Each time within two weeks my next significant love relationship appeared.
The first man appeared while I was working in New York. We met at an after work happy hour with others from my office. He became my boyfriend for eight years.
The next man I met at a condominium meeting where I lived. He became my husband.
The last man I met after doing an active prayer was very passionate, loving and exciting.
Each relationship reflected aspects of myself that needed growth or healing at that time so they were extremely positive in this regard.
They were not blissful. They were life filled. They encouraged my growth to a richer, deeper and wiser human being.
This article explains how you can manifest love using what I like to call an Active Prayer.

Active Prayer Steps – Manifest Methods for Love
Secure a candle in the color for what you want in the relationship.
Red is passionate, sexual love.
Pink is unconditional love, with devotion, loyalty, peace and harmony.
White can be used for all desired types of love.
I recommend you use white for a more balanced approach or one hot pink candle which contains the vibration of both red (passion) and pink (devotion).
Write down on a piece of paper all the things you want in your love relationship. Be as complete and thorough as possible.
The more you express what you REALLY want, versus what you think you can have, the more powerful this active prayer becomes.
Light your candle.
Read off everything you want in this love relationship.
Light the paper with the love description on it. Allow it to burn away completely in a fire safe way, like in the oven.
Allow the candle to burn all the way through, again in a fire safe way. Once it has burned away, the prayer is complete.
If your soul is in alignment with your request this manifestation should appear within two weeks. I have heard of it working in a longer time frame, but for me this is how long it took each time.

What If It Does Not Work?
If this does not work there is a reason. After I did this Active Prayer three separate times, I wanted to manifest love again.
No matter what I did I could not manifest love. I had to conclude that this was out of alignment with my soul plan for this lifetime in the way I was asking for love.
So I suggest to you to consider the following if this way to manifest love does not work.
Perhaps your soul is not in alignment with this request. This would be the most salient reason for it not working.
Perhaps you are addicted to love, trying to swallow yourself into a relationship before you have grown in other ways.
Maybe you need more healing.

Maybe your soul plan for this life time does not include the type of person or relationship you described.
If it does not work you need to do some serious introspection, healing and discovery so you can attract love into your life in a way that is in alignment with your deepest self and life purpose.
Spirit Medium Laura