Welcome! We are delighted you have chosen to develop your gifts and evolve. This is what The Soul Abundance Method is all about.
The Soul Abundance is about developing your spiritual psychic gifts, which is your soul’s spiritual evolution.
Built into this evolutionary process is the desire to have that which you believe you need to become happy!
This is an illusion. You have everything you need already, however, the human psyche needs the “carrot” to find the stick.
By having desire to get something you think you do not have, you can develop your soul.
This illusion helps you evolve from HEALING to HAPPINESS, from FEAR to LOVE.
Desire is your soul speaking to you, dangling that carrot in front of you, so you evolve beyond being separate, alone and afraid, to connected, alive and in love with life itself!
So listen to yourself. Listen to your heart, to what you think you want or need so you can become happy.
Even though you have not achieved that which you want to manifest yet, you have activated the healing process of aligning with your soul purpose.
In this process you become whole again, unified with divine source, with God! You find the stick that held the carrot.
So even though you might have been trying to manifest a desire without success and feelyou need a manifesting miracle because everything you have tried has not worked, you are beginning to win!
This process you have begun to manifest something, leads you to discover the miracle within you!
This miracle is your soul.
Your soul is supernatural. When you begin to align with your soul, your miracles begin to express.
As you align with your soul, your purpose emerges.
Behind your purpose is your big problem this life time. You can have more than one problem, but this problem is the one you are now working to solve.
So your first assignment here is to think about this. You need to understand your problem, which you are most passionately focused to resolve.
From this derives your PROSPERITY.
At this point you may not care to manifest any longer. This is because you have aligned with your higher self, your soul, which is BLISS itself! (More on that below.)
Your problem is your passion is your purpose is your PROSPERITY!
When you seek to understand this, then serve from this, you begin to see your life takes on a new energy.
It flows. You become intuitive. You are led. You begin to realize you have activated something bigger than yourself.
You become what we like to call the THE PSYCHIC MILLIONAIRE!
You have activated the dynamic flow of your soul purpose, which is prosperity from service.
This soul purpose has a supernatural energy behind it, which will seem magical, mystical and miraculous to you at first.
This is your intuitive self, leading you along with synchronicity, hunches and opportunities in life.
As well, you have activated the Spiritual Law of Reciprocity which states, that what you sow so shall you reap.
You can only GET what you GIVE.
BLISS is living as your soul, expressing its true nature, which is to give.
You have also activated The Spiritual Law of Dharma, The Spiritual Law of Abundance and The Spiritual Law of Karma.
So if you are trying to manifest something in your life and it is not coming to you, it is because you forgot the deepest truth about you.
You have forgotten your “soul” purpose for being!
This purpose is to serve from your gifts, what you have come to earth to do.
When you are serving, you will be getting!
EVERYTHING YOU LONG TO MANIFEST WILL BE YOURS! It will arrive automatically in the energetic flow you activated by simply asking for what you want using the SOUL ABUNDANCE METHOD.
This method will open your psychic mind, your soul, activating your purpose!
Do not worry too much about this.
The SOUL ABUNDANCE METHOD will work this all out for you.
It is a dynamic system. It starts you from where you are now.
The answers are revealed and the power is released over time!
End of Introductory Channeled Message from The Ones
The 10 Channeled Steps to SOUL ABUNDANCE to EVOLVE to JOY in Your Life BEGINS HERE.
As many of you know I am a Accredited Evidential Research Medium. During one of the research sessions I was asked to bring in messages from spirit the group needed to hear.
The Ones came in. They have identified themselves during channeling sessions as The Great White Brotherhood, Alpha Omega Light Beings, The Pleiadians, St. Ignatius Loyola (Ascended Master Dom Ignacio).
After doing research I have found these groups are as well identified as The Elohim, The Collective, The Seven Sisters, The 7 Archangels. This entity is the original manifestor of physical reality from the energy of the universe. There are no beings or consciousness between them and God.
When I was delivering messages to the group that day, the last person got a rather long message. This message is “The 10 Channeled Steps of SOUL ABUNDANCE to EVOLVE to JOY.”
The Ones said this person had a soul block from a past life so extensive he could not seem to break through it this life time no matter what he did.
Mind you I knew nothing of this. Spirit was in control.
Do you have an issue like this in your life? No matter what you do you still end up in the same place as when you started?
I know I have! I think we all have.
I decided to try this method for something I was longing to manifest. The very same day I did it, I was led to a clue along the path to a solution.
After doing the SOUL ABUNDANCE METHOD something shifted in me. I began to be a little less fearful. A little less forceful. I LET GO.
Ever hear the phrase, “Let Go, Let God?” Well, THAT was happening.
In this more relaxed state, part of the solution appeared to me seemingly out of the air later the same day!
Your soul purpose then begins to express automatically.
Here is the SOUL ABUNDANCE The Ones gave to “CURE” the blocks to finally break through the barrier to realizing your dreams.
The SOUL ABUNDANCE will automatically reveal and express your SOUL PURPOSE, which is your abundance.
PREPARATION for The 10 Channeled Steps to SOUL ABUNDANCE.
30 MINUTES NEEDED. Make sure you will not be interrupted for at least 30 minutes or so. Silence your phone. Minimize distractions.
PAD and PEN. Get a pad and pen as you will be writing later.
GO INTO MINDFUL MEDITATIVE STATE. When you are mindful you are in the space where miracles can occur and be created. You enter a state of what I like to call SOUL TALK, which reveals WHO YOU REALLY ARE and WHAT YOU REALLY WANT, critical for real success in life.
DEFINE WHAT YOU REALLY WANT (not what you think is possible). Now after entering a mindful state, critical for the success of this step, ask yourself what you really want right now more than anything else in your life.
Write this down in its entirety. Be thorough, self indulgent and self focused. This is all about YOU, what you really WANT.
Start with what you get. Over time this process will help you release and activate your soul purpose. This SOUL ABUNDANCE METHOD is a form of soul talk. So don’t worry if your goals change over time from something superficial to something soulful, what your soul really wants for you!
RHYMING PHRASE. Now create a rhyming phrase for what you want. Example. This poem will be recited at the beginning of your miracle meditation session. An example of a poem might have to do with a goal you have for less stress, more free time and fun in your life. Your poem might be: “Abundant ME, Relaxed me. I love my life, I am so FREE. Each day is blessed, completely FREE. I live my life ABUNDANTLY!”
MANIFESTING MANTRA. Now create a MANIFESTING MANTRA for what you want based on your poem. This is one or two words which symbolize what you want. Continuing the example above, your mantra might look like this. “ABUNDANT ME”
VISUAL SYMBOL. Repeat the rhyme asking yourself to produce a visual symbol for the desire. Repeat the rhyme until a symbol appears before you. This will be your visual symbol which will be used later when we do the actual SOUL ABUNDANCE MEDITATION. (If a picture does not pop up, then simply create a visual symbol deliberately.) Continuing the above example for above poem, you might see the VISUAL SYMBOL of a a Butterfly with your mantra “ABUNDANT ME,” on it.
The 10 Channeled Steps to SOUL ABUNDANCE to EVOLVE to JOY in YOUR LIFE.
Now you are ready to do the Soul Abundance Method. This should be done every day for 10 minutes, preferably at the beginning of the day. This is an exact channeled method from The Ones.
DIRECTIONS. DO EVERY DAY for something you want in your life until it happens. Then begin a new goal. (Feel free to alter or refine the goal if it does not really fit you as you continue. Self discovery is part of this process.)
DO ONLY ONE GOAL AT A TIME. Trying to bring in everything at once, dilutes your results.
The 10 STEPS.
SET A TIMER 10 MINUTES. Sit in a comfortable upright position. Begin the timer. Start to breathe from your abdomen. Continue breathing from you abdomen throughout the 10 minutes.
IMAGINE SYMBOL. Off in the distance imagine your VISUAL SYMBOL. Ex. Butterfly labeled “ABUNDANT ME.”
SEE BOULDER. Between you and this DESIRE is a huge boulder, fence or wall blocking you from it.
WHITE LIGHT. Now imagine from above comes a shower of white light. This light obliterates the boulder in front of you. There is nothing now between you and your desire.
UNIFICATION. Imagine your symbol floating slowly towards your body. Finally it reaches you UNIFYING with your essence! You feel calm, complete and satisfied.
The PATH EMERGES. Imagine after your symbol has merged with your essence, a path opens in front of you. This is a beautiful path in a garden, softly lit with sunshine, flowers and trees. You enter the path flowing forward in your new completion, your miracle mindset.
MANTRA on BREATH. Continue by using your mantra on inhale and exhale from abdomen. The mantra guides you into into deep trance, which is the miracle mindset. NOTE: If you feel anxious while doing the mantra, go back to Step 5 and unify with your symbol again.
TIMER GOES OFF. Continue this until your time goes off.
LET GO to FLOW. Worry free you’re allowed to see. Since you have now created a miracle mindset a divine intuitive flow is activated. You must Let Go to flow. Allow the path to emerge.
ENGAGE the FLOW. Stay alert to signs, symbols and synchronicity. The miracle mindset guides you forward to your goal.
ROAD BLOCKS – Soul Talk Magic
Channeled Message from The Ones
As you traverse the rocky terrain of manifesting from your soul purpose there will be times when you hit a block.
When this happens it means your fearful self, your ego, is trying to control the situation because it is afraid you will not get that which you desire.
At this point you should SURRENDER to a HIGHER POWER in prayer. Ask God for help!
Then you should JOURNAL on what is NOT working. You will find the longer you journal on what is NOT working, the stronger you will be directed.
It will be as if your pen is overtaken by a Higher Power, which is your SOUL. Your answers will flow from pen to pad like lightening.
Comment from Spirit Medium Laura
“As I used this technique in my own life spirit directed me to do this. I had hit a road block.
No matter what I was trying, that I thought had been divinely inspired, was NOT working!
Not only was I frustrated but I was frightened too. My ego had made the stakes for achieving this desire appear VERY HIGH.
Finally after flailing about in fear for several days, I realized I had to surrender. “
Channeling Continues
To surrender does not mean you give up. No.
Surrender means you ask your higher power, your soul, to do it for you. You stop trying to solve the problem with your mental ability.
You simply and literally hand it up.
After this is done, you will find GOD will come to you and speak. This is why you need to have your pen and pad ready.
As you begin by complaining about all the defects in God’s plan for you, a funny thing will happen. God will start to talk to you directly.
You will begin to get information, slowly at first, but then very quickly. This is your Higher Self, your Soul, talking to you, as your emissary from God.
You, by asking for help, then listening, have activated the Spiritual Law of Surrender to accept what is. You hand it up to a higher power.
Surrender will then and ONLY THEN activate the Spiritual Law of Ask and Receive. You will block receiving if you are not in a state of complete and total surrender.
Surrender reveals the next steps to you.
Listen carefully.
Do not over complicate this.
Simply follow the received instructions.
As you proceed you may find other road blocks. Continue to address them with this “SOUL TALK MAGIC” process.
You will find your prayers will always be answered, if you surrender first, then ask and receive.
Channeling from the Ones.
Quite often we do not manifest our miracles because we are asking for what we THINK we need, rather than what we REALLY want. This is done because we are operating from FEAR, not LOVE. FEAR stands for False Evidence Appearing Real. You believe falsely that you cannot have what you REALLY want. It would be a MIRACLE to get what your really want. Miracles are impossible, right?Miracles are impossible, yes, if you are trying to create them as a finite human being alone in the forest. When you learn to align with LOVE, you have aligned with Source, God and your miracle power!
Spirit is infinite in its power to create your miracles.
The conundrum to accessing this power is for you to believe The Power can provide for you even though all the “evidence” from an earth perspective says it is not possible, or highly unlikely.It is like walking away from winning the Lottery Ticket because you believed you could not win! But you CAN win the Lottery of Life!
Asking for what you really want IS YOUR JACKPOT!
Ask and Ye Shall Receive. Seek and you shall find. The answer is in the asking, not the holding back.
Today we are going to suggest to you to take a test.
Ask yourself, if you got what you are trying to manifest now, what would you want AFTER that?What is below your asking? You will see this thing you think you want is because you really want something else.Then ask yourself again. If you got this thing, what would THAT do for you?Keep asking until you get to the root miracle, the real desire! This is your soul leading you to evolve by teaching you how to move from fear to love, from the false belief there are limits to the miraculous belief there are NONE when aligned with the ultimate power called GOD.With these steps you will unlock the miracle within, expressing your deepest desire without. You have the power to create exactly what you desire if you could only see it, know it and ask for it.
Asking for what you REALLY WANT is your MIRACLE!
Namaste,The Ones through Spirit Medium Laura
The Ones through Spirit Medium Laura
LEARN YOUR SOUL’s PROSPEROUS PURPOSE. Go HERE to learn about SOUL ABUNDANCE and purchase the course.
Your SOUL Is Your MIRACLE. Click on picture to get SOUL ABUNDANCE course.