LIMITLESS: HOW TO MANIFEST MONEY. Manifest Money using a new channeled to me spiritual technology which activates precise results with the law of attraction.
This new technology is The Circle of Light.
PAIN. Ouch, after gliding along through the pandemic and beyond with a highly abundant flow of business, everything stopped.
I was completely flummoxed as the client sessions were excellent, the online reviews exceptional.
My income was faltering as I feverishly floundered.
After a few sleep challenged nights I had a breakthrough!
BREAKTHROUGH: Why not use the Circle of Light to manifest money? This could be the solution to this conundrum.
RESULTS. The next day after starting Circle of Light “treatments,” I received three quite lucrative client engagements and discovered a HUGE problem with my marketing software which needed correction!
Our evolution as souls is to learn how to co-create desired outcomes in concert with spirit. The obstacle to this is the illusion of “not having,” inherent in the three dimensional vibration of earth.
Today I had a very quick demonstration of spirit by using The Circle of Light to manifest.
This is what I did. You can follow these steps to manifest, too.
Steps Using the Circle of Light to Manifest Money or Anything You Want
- I imagined a theater stage completely blackened out.
2. Above I imagined a spotlight creating a large bright white circle of light on the stage.
3. In the middle of the circle I placed someone with whom I have a negative emotional charge; someone who upsets me. When I think of this person, I feel negative, angry, discordant, unbalanced, off my game, etc.
Oneness. This step invokes the Spiritual Law of Divine Oneness. In doing any sort of manifesting work you need to align with the universal mind, the grand consciousness of all.
Some might call this The Collective Unconscious, The Quantum Field, The Akasha, Zero Point, The Psychic Internet.
When you align with an opposing vibration (enemy) and send this enemy love, good tidings or wish for them the best, you are invoking the Spiritual Law of Divine Oneness.
Oneness is the golden secret to manifesting success with the law of attraction.
This is the missing step to all co-creation, all Law of Attraction demonstration. Enter the vibration of Oneness by doing a manifesting exercise for someone else, preferably someone you do not like.
4. From above I sent an intense shower of white light to and through the person I did not like. I imagined the light was penetrating their body and clearing all negativity.
5. Then I imagined for a minute that this “enemy” felt loved, as this is what everyone really desires at the deepest level. If I knew of something more specific this person needed or wanted I could have used that.
6. I imagined as many details about this love including answers to who, what, where, when and why.
7. Next I imagined a pink light connecting my torso to this person’s torso. You can use any color light that appears.
This is an intuitive exercise. Whatever color you get is the right color sent to you from spirit.
8. Then I cleared the stage. I placed myself in the middle of it, bathing me with white light to clear my vibration to receive a manifesting intention.
9. I asked myself, “What do I want more than anything else in the world right now?”
10. I saw a large dollar sign statue almost my height appear in front of me. It was made of a light material and was glittering sparkles of gold.

11. I focused on this symbol feeling my desire, and answering who, what, where, when and why questions about it.
Specific. You need to be specific when manifesting for the universe to respond.
Feeling. You need to attach feeling to your manifesting which is the energy of activation.
12. I held this intention for as long as I could feel desire and energy around it. It felt really really good. I felt attached to it, like I was giving it life!
13. Then I sent more light over me. Spirit showered a beautiful gold light from above, penetrating me and setting the intention.
When you do this take whatever color you get. Spirit uses your memory and all its associations to pick the color.
For me a golden light felt really rich and abundant, so this is probably why spirit chose it for me.
I did this exercise a few times yesterday and today.
Early in the day I received a text message. This resulted in a booking for a new client referred to me.
Lately I rarely answer the phone due to an absolutely asphyxiating flow of telemarketers. However, the next time the phone rang, I felt I needed to answer it.
Sure enough the caller was looking for a medium for a private gathering.
However, later is where the really AMAZING SYNCHRONICITY happened.
I had to sign onto my website’s administrative panel to correct something on my Home Page.
The first place I landed after sign on was the dashboard, which I usually just glaze over.
Today something caught my eye.
I noticed there was a list of pending Comments waiting to be approved by me.
I thought, “Hmmm, what the heck is this?”
It is good to have comments on your website. Google raises your page rank if there are comments on it.
One of the first comments that was there, was from someone who had tried to contact me for an appointment, but could not get a hold of me.
There were dozens of comments like this! I was appalled!
Many of these people had tried to call me but I did not answer the phone, so in desperation did the next thing they found they could do.
They put a Comment on my website, asking I contact them.
I called one. Booked that appointment. I hastily answered others.
Then I realized what had happened. The email I use for my website was no longer working!
If this had not happened the flow of interested clients would continue to be hidden from me, floating off into the horizon. My rightful flow of business crippled and stymied indefinitely.
My conclusion? The Circle of Light is a fantastic new spiritual technology which offers you laser precision to manifest money, love, health, desires, heal relationships and so on.
Articles linked below go into further detail and background.
Enjoy the Circle of Light. It is here for you to prosper and evolve to JOY!
Book your private appointment with spirit through Laura at
Background articles on this subject
How to Set Intention Like a Guru for Miraculous Results