MONEY CODE: Manifest Money Without Manifesting. Manifest Money Code. Learn how to manifest money without manifesting. Reset the vibration code within you to shift your relationship with money.
Recently I began to fuss with my investments resurrecting a systemic issue I had with money.
Suddenly what had been a fairly stable investment portfolio turned into a nightmare of craziness. I was fussing with everything.
Each move I made created a new loss. Soon I had eroded a lifetime of savings by 20%! I felt the very ground under me shift.
did not create the MONEY CODE for myself during this dilemma. I created
it because spirit instructed me to do so as part of the LIMITLESS
Finally as I labored through my own private crisis, I realized, “Hey! Why don’t I use the MONEY CODE on me?” DUH!
The MONEY CODE is designed to remove emotional blocks to abundance. It takes you on a personal energy journey into your source code, restructuring it for more optimal living.
While I was using the MONEY CODE I realized an insidious block I had developed during my childhood. I realized something I had forgotten or had hidden from myself.
That something was the effect
of abuse upon me. This abuse had produced in me as a child fear, shame
and insecurity from parents that fought, were violent and addicted to
I did the channeled exercise in the MONEY CODE, this truth which I had
hidden from me with “happy talk,” was revealed. I knew I had experienced
these events, but I did not realize how they effected me.
This realization was subtle, however, spirit had a plan for me. :)
the next week or so challenges around worthiness, shame, not feeling
good enough surfaced. I began to experience challenging situations.
one of my daily walks a man suddenly appeared out of nowhere screaming
at me for walking past his house. He accused me of secretly spying on
had done nothing to provoke him, but walk past his house on a daily
basis. There were several people around him, which only added to the
shame, humiliation and indignation I felt.
this time I had a recurring cold so got tested for Coronavirus.
Without realizing what I was provoking, suddenly my friends viewed me as
having the “plague.” My friends were getting together for social
gatherings but were excluding me.
emotional situations led me to experience the fear, shame and
insecurity of my childhood hurt so I could process from the nurturing
wisdom of an adult perspective.
I began to feel safer, I began to relax more about everything. My
expectations surrounding money shifted, as did my actions. I began to take reasonable steps towards investing rather than reacting in fear.
I felt calm, peaceful and centered.
When we shift our emotions, we shift our vibration and then we shift our actions.
Enjoy the MONEY CODE.
The Ones, can you help people in the area of money? If so how?
The manifesting of money is not sufficient. Universal Lie Code means you no longer try to manifest.
Instead you set goals and intentions after alignment with Universal Mind. Then the goals are automatically actualized by the creative code of love.
So if someone on earth would like to know how to live on less money, how to make more money, how to change their relationship with money, they first must learn how to align with the code.
We on the spiritual plane would like to help those on earth learn more about the MONEY CODE.
The money code changes from person to person. It is extremely important to get right.
When a child is abused in younger years they learn scarcity. Scarcity is the element which needs to clear before they can have money, richness and abundance.

Money is related to LOVE but is its own code.
The first step to clearing the code for money is to open the solar plexus and then allow it to heal. After that the code is cleared. The code for money is in the solar plexus.
Get this right and the code clears allowing the receiver to function better in the ares of business, money and personal prosperity.
When the third eye is opened using the LOVE CODE download (first code) then this code can be accessed.
It is first opened during a healing equation. There are layers of love melted upon it.
Then it is re-coded for the present and future desired soul patterns of the recipient.
After all this is done the receiver appears cleared with a new outlook. Prosperity and abundance will flow easier to them after that.
The Ones
ORDER MONEY CODE DOWNLOAD HERE. Function better in the ares of business, money and personal prosperity. Realize goals you set around money by clearing the energy center in the body related to this. LENGTH: 7 min 37 sec. $44.
INSTRUCTIONS. Best results are obtained by participating in your download once per day for 17 days, preferably before retiring at night.
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