MANIFEST SUCCESS – LOVE. How to break down your desired love goal into smaller, explicit steps, like a recipe, so the universe can follow your instructions to manifest successfully.
Ah, another year spent trying to bring in a desired manifestation without any results. It is getting rather boring, don’t you agree?
You try to manifest. You write down what you want from the deep recesses of your soul, thinking you are doing everything correctly.
But nothing happens. Crickets. Chirp. Chirp. Chirp.
Recently, after again studying Lynn McTaggart’s work (The Intention Experiment and many other of her books), I finally got it!\
Manifesting happens when you break down the goal into small measurable steps you believe can happen.
I had a client of mine create on her vision board a smaller, measurable step in the area of love.
Since it had been a while since she had had a fancy dinner date, I had her write down that she wanted within one month to be treated to dinner by a sexy man in a fancy restaurant.
I taught her how to make a digital vision board. I had her paste a cute picture of a woman all dressed up in an elegant setting, looking really happy. I told her to write down this measurable intention over the picture.
You can do a digital vision boards by finding at
Then place write your intention on the picture using a free graphics package included with your computer. Windows includes Paint. I am sure there is an Apple counterpart to this.
Each day I told her to meditate on the picture, feeling what it would be like to experience her intention. Some feeling for here were excitement, sexy, happy and desirable.
At first the month was passing by quickly. Nothing happened for three weeks. But then one week away from the end of the month unexpectedly a man from a dating site asked her out.
By the end of the month she had that EXACT dinner date written on her vision board, almost exactly as defined.
Takeaway: Defining your desired manifestation into small, specific, believable steps brings it in almost effortlessly.

Here are the steps.
!. Who? This would be, “I am.”
2. What? Having dinner in an elegant restaurant with a man I find sexy and attractive.
3. When? On or before this date. (Put the exact date you believe this can happen by.)
4. Where? (Define this.) In this case it was an upscale restaurant. You can define where as “in my life,” if there is no specific location.
5. Why? I feel happy, excited and desired. (Use how you will feel to define this.)
After she had this lovely manifestation happen, even though it seemed almost impossible, the first thing I had my client do was update her entire vision board so that each goal was smaller, measurable and believable.
When each goal was met, I taught her to update the vision board to include the next step on the path to full realization of deep desires and manifestations.
Another story of success in manifesting money I wrote about HERE.
Enjoy this method of manifesting. It works like magic! If you need help with this you can book a private session with me at
Spirit Medium Laura