Manifest Your Destiny – Order The Universe Around

Before you break into a long belly laugh at the thought of ordering the universe around, think about this.  The universe is a neutral canvas upon which your consciousness is imprinted.  From this consciousness the universe creates your material experience.  The universe can’t help but do that.  It is its nature.

Solar System Planets.
Image via Wikipedia

What is your experience on earth?  Do you have all the money, love and bliss you can handle?  If not it is time to get started to consciously order the universe around.

It is not enough to use a Vision Board or do a manifesting meditation visualizing what you want.  You actually have to order the universe to provide for you.  You need to be firm, convicted, expectant and demanding.

Say out loud, “Universe I command for you to provide _____ to me by this date.  “

Don’t worry.  The universe will not be offended.  It does not have emotions, nor will it judge you.  The universe is an impartial creation machine, designed to enable the evolvement of all consciousness.

The more we use it, the more we evolve.

Let’s take a moment to define the deepest desire you have for your life.  The deeper your feelings about what you want, the faster and more powerful the universe will create.  This is because emotions fuel creation.

17th century representation of the 'third eye'...
Image via Wikipedia
  • Set aside a book and a pen ready for writing.
  • Meditate.  Get very quiet, centered and relaxed.
  • Pick up your book and begin to write down what you really, really want in life.
  • If you feel light and happy when you do this, you are tapping into your deeper needs, not just what your “keep up with the Jones” ego might be telling you.
  • Go deeper.  Think about the essence of what you want.  What is it?  Is it to be loved by a compatible partner?  Is it to have a form of income you enjoy producing?  Write this down.
  • Go even deeper.  Ask yourself this question.  If you had all the money you needed, had already travelled all around the world, owned all the clothes, cars and houses you desired, what then would you do with your life?  Write down the answer to this question.
  • Try to do this multiple times over a series of days, until you see a consistent answer emerging.
  • This is your soul purpose.  Now begin to order the universe to manifest your soul purpose into your life.  Tell it with details, time frames for delivery.  Know that it is possible and that it is yours.

If you haven’t been ordering the universe around the universe has been delivering to you according to your existing consciousness.  Take control of your bliss and start ordering the universe around today.

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