Law of Attraction Not Working? Want to learn how to manifest money, manifest love or your dreams with a foolproof system?
Manifest your dreams through psychic means.
Laura believes she was born to use her psychic medium skills to help you MANIFEST Your DREAMS. Using the MANIFEST DREAMS psychic manifesting system and her expert psychic medium channeling skills she will work with you to MANIFEST your DREAMS.
MANIFEST DREAMS is a psychic development program for you to manifest your dreams. You do not have to be a psychic to benefit from this, as the MANIFEST DREAMS system automatically opens your Third Eye!
Laura once made, then lost, millionaire status. Abandoned by her fiance after this happened. she had to figure out how to survive. Her Angelic Guides led her to use her natural gifts as a Psychic Channel and Medium in developing a business.
After about ten years as a successful medium, Laura began working assiduously on psychic techniques to MANIFEST her DREAM of financial security and abundance to correct the monetary loss.
- MONEY. Finally, after learning and using every tool and technique she knew about manifesting since 12 years old, spirit led Laura to a new step to add in this process. As the psychic magic began, she had an insight to correct a key element in her investing habits. After doing this her portfolio began to grow rapidly and consistently!
- HEALTH. Applying this MANIFEST DREAMS psychic system to heal a serious spinal issue (spondylolisthesis), Laura was led to create a very specific set of exercises, which remedied the crippling pain which threatened to end her life’s delight of Ballet and Ballroom dancing! Now devoid of pain you can find Laura on the dance floor quite actively.
- CAREER. As Laura began to see such progress in her life by applying MANIFEST DREAMS psychic system, she realized aspects of her psychic business needed fine tuning. The work was not quite on point for who she was and what brought her the most JOY. She realized she needed to shift from a generalized psychic medium to a MANIFEST DREAMS psychic medium. By applying MANIFEST DREAMS psychic system you can create the work you love as a career, no matter how blocked or insecure you are.
- LOVE. As Laura’s life realigns with her true self, her Soul’s JOY, her DREAMS, she will begin to apply these tools in the area of love relationships. It is important to manifest your best and highest relationship with self before attempting to relate in close union with another.
Work with Laura to help you MANIFEST Your DREAMS.
When Medium Laura finally manifested a dream that had evaded her for 20 years (managing her investments) she began to use this technique for other areas of her life.
When they healed as rapidly, she knew she had cracked the code to manifesting.

Here are the D.R.E.A.M. STEPS
- D is for DEFINE your DIVINE.
- Define your DREAM. Create a JOY Journal. In it each day journal on your dream, a specific condition you would find divine in your life. (If you do not know, then journal on what you don’t want in your life. What you do want is the opposite of this.) Make this as specific as possible answering the questions WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHY and WHEN.
- Define your Gratitude. Focus on one DREAM at a time in a gratitude statement, “I am so happy and grateful that I now have in my life [name the DREAM].”
- Define your DREAM Day. Take this dream gratitude statement and expand it into a day in your life living this dream. Do for at least 10 minutes.
- NOTE: Only work on one dream at a time.
- REPEAT to BEAT DEFEAT! The more you repeat your dream gratitude statement the more you beat defeat and activate the superconscious (psychic, universal, infinite, manifesting, spiritual) mind. Repeat at every chance you get, like when you are washing the dishes, going for a walk, or even falling off to sleep at night (my favorite).
- EMOTIONS are POTION. Each time you do these steps remember to express your emotions in having your dream. Emotions are like fuel for manifesting your dreams. If you do not have emotion surrounding your dream it is not a real desire of yours, but rather something you want to fill a void in your self esteem.
- ACHIEVING is BELIEVING. If you do not feel your dream is achievable you need to break it down into smaller steps which you do believe. Each little believable step then creates the final masterpiece, your dream in your life!
- MANIFEST your DREAMS through PSYCHIC MEANS. The practice of focusing on your DREAMS, your JOY, the more your psychic mind activates to bring you the luck of synchronicity, the guidance of intuition and the divine evolution towards bliss. JOY is your soul speaking to you about what is possible for this life time and how to evolve.