MANIFEST YOUR DREAMS CHANNELING on HOW to CREATE your DREAM LIFE NOW! Social distancing can be your biggest MIRACLE! Isolate to CREATE!
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This time gives you a chance to look over your life and think about it. What do you really want in life? What have you been doing with your time on earth?
What do you want to do with your time remaining on earth?
Where are you going? Do you want to go there?

What you focus on you create.
So if you focus on the pain of being isolated during the viral pandemic, you will create more pain.
Why not rather use this time to go inside your soul to seek your truth, what is really there. What do you really feel, need and desire?
This time can be a blessing to reconstruct your life into something you desire, rather than disdainfully tolerate.
It is a time to reflect on what you did in the past. Remember how your life used to be. How much of that was expressing your truth?
How are you faring during this down time? Does this agree with you?
If not, why not?
We all know isolation to be a time of spiritual journey, discovering and clearing the clutter of our deepest, most divine truth.
Find this truth now! Use this time to isolate so you may renovate your journey through the jungle.
Be who you were meant to be! Become your best self now. Do not waste this opportunity to clear the past of karma to enter the now of deliverance.
You all were chosen on earth for this journey now, this awakening, the GREAT awakening of all time.
Each of you was selected to go through this now. It is the time for all souls on earth affected by isolation to birth a new life for their self and a new world for others.
All those affected by the virus must now use the time to begin living as their soul having an earth experience.
What does this mean? It means focusing on JOY, what is really important for you, rather restricting access to your truth, this time allows you to find it.
Use this time of isolation to pay attention to what really matters.
What really matters to you? Ask yourself today with pen and pad and in quiet time, what does really matter to you from deep within yourself?
The answer might seem to evade you at first, but then a quickening will occur. Suddenly you will be deluged with the answers.
PLEASE LISTEN and ACT on your ANSWERS! They are us speaking to you. We are your spiritual guidance team hoping you will take this time to wake up to more than survival.
This is the time for thriving while still in the physical world.
What does thriving mean to you? To us in the nonphysical dimensions this means living your best life.
Learn what really matters to you, then take steps to support this truth.
The more you live the life which is authentically YOU the more you will find that your life supports you.
The physical world is programmed to meet the needs of those who have defined, then focused upon, their greatest truth, their most authentic JOY.
Once discovered, then affirmed, you enter a new dimension where wanting was in the past and LIVING in JOY is the now or your existence.
You will be taught things you were too busy to notice in the past. These things will save you, your existence and become friends of your future.
These things are your soul speaking to you about your highest, most abundant life. You need to start at the top and work your way down to the earth.
Start at the top meaning your soul. This then trickles down to your life.
Most on earth start with earth then attempt to live better.
Life does not work this way at all. It is just the opposite.
Start from your dreams and desires which are at the top or highest vibration of your self. Then focus on these ideals.
Soon you find your life becomes these desires, these ideals, these dreams.
It so important to be your SOUL self. Then you will have JOY and life will become more of what you want, rather than less.
Namaste Amen,
The Ones
Thank you Laura, so happy to connect with you!! Yes, let’s stay in touch :-)
Hello Rose, Thank you for your comment. I read your website. Seems we are on the same purpose, that of awakening souls on earth to their greatness in simply being their true self. I call the goal and the process JOY, which stands for Just Open You. Let’s keep in touch. Sending big virtual hugs, Laura.
Loved this, Laura!!
As a fellow lightworker, I can relate to every word!
what a huge recalibration we are collectively undergoing…it brings me tears of gratitude, excitement, some healthy nervousness too!!
We are really entering a new paradigm of consciousness. Cooperation, creativity and purpose will be BIG!!
hugs from Perú,