Secrets of the MYSTIC MASTERs: 3rd Eye Manifesting & Development Mastermind
ABOUT: Gain access to the miracle of ONENESS to MANIFEST at will and develop your PSYCHIC ABILITIES in this mastermind. Tools such as Meditation, Mantras, Visualization, 3rd Eye Astral Projection and Psychic Perception are used.
You can do this on your own for FREE by following instructions below or in a private session with Spirit Medium Laura (Book HERE).

This mastermind offers you the potential to
- TRANSCEND to ONENESS to experience universal consciousness where manifesting is automatic and psychic ability natural.
- MANIFEST AT WILL. RESULTS. Using these techniques I manifested new clients, health with my immune system, inner happiness, improved financial profile, etc. These successes have motivated me to continue to project new desires and goals. If your goal is on your divine soul plan it will happen.
- AWAKEN 3rd EYE PSYCHIC ABILITY. As you develop your 3rd eye to manifest, you become more psychic in general.
- ACCESS 3rd Eye ASTRAL PROJECTION. Learn a rarely used powerful technique to create future conditions and to psychically perceive reality.
- DEVELOP TELEPATHIC INFLUENCE. RESULTS. Using some of these techniques I got a client to pay an outstanding bill and an estranged boyfriend to call me, to only name a few of my many successes.
- SHIFT from FEAR to LOVE,
HOW? In this mastermind you will be guided into the life changing transcendent state of oneness. In this state manifesting is automatic and psychic perception natural.
“Most indigenous cultures have used natural hallucinogenics for ages like psilocybin mushrooms, iboga, ayahuasca, datura, betel to achieve an experience of the sacred…. as a way to contact powerful spiritual forces, [become] intensely aware of the interconnectedness of humans, nature, and the supernatural and [increase] their own personal power, leading them toward self-transformation.” (Taken from HERE.)
The mystic’s experience of ONENESS is discussed by Timothy Leary, Ph.D in his book “The Psychedelic Experience. A Manual Based on the Tibetan Book of the Dead.” He discusses this mystical experience of oneness in 1966 in the following youtube video:
Please show up with a deep seated desire you would like to manifest.
Have a notebook and pen ready.
Be well rested and in a quiet location.
Clear your schedule for at least 1 hour.
Have a deck of cards with you for the message part of the agenda, if you do psychic readings this way. If you do not have a deck you can use one of the many online. Here are a few.
- Lotus Tarot 6 card reading: You can choose one card from the results during class if you have no other way of receiving messages.
- Free Tarot One Card reading.
- Tarot one card reading.
- Angel Tarot one card.
- Tarot one card reading.
- TRANSCEND to ONENESS with SACRED MYSTIC ACTIVATION. 30 minutes. Enter the state of transcendence, oneness, universal consciousness, higher vibration, unification. In this state you hold the potential to be more psychic, manifest at will, evolve from victim to victorious and live in higher vibration of joy.
- Nicky Sutton Guided Meditation to Oneness.
- Additional Tool. Enhance the above meditation by adding the following visualizations into it received by Laura from spirit while slipping off to sleep one night. These ideas can be added into the parts of the meditation where you are asked to imagine you are one with other objects.
- “Imagine you are separate but then blend with a flower. See the world from the flower’s perspective, how it feels to have a bee come and feed from your stamen, sipping your nectar, how your petals feel in the sun with the breeze upon them. Then imagine you are the flower dying. You fall into the earth and imagine how it feels to be the flower blending with the earth. Feel what it feels like to be part of the earth, the soil, water, wind, elements, caves, minerals, mountains. Then feel the earth blending with the sun. Then feel what its like to be the sun in the vast universe. At each level, imagine how it feels to be blended into something larger and larger until your consciousness has blended into the mind of God, pure consciousness. You are now one with all that is. You are now oneness.”

- CREATE your ASTRAL THOUGHT FORM. 10 minutes. While still in an altered state identify a deeply desired goal you have for your life, Create a 2 word mantra for it and link an emotional connection to it.
- Close your eyes. Ask what is the most important thing you want and need in your life right now. Listen for the answer. Write it down. Ex. LOVE.
- Visualize a picture of what this goal looks like to you. You will use this in the next exercise. Below is a picture from found when searching for key word “love.” You can find one there that resonates for you.
- Focus on the feelings you will have when you have attained this goal. Write them down. Ex. Relaxed, Included, Connected, Happy. etc.. Try to select from all your feeling words to create an acronym which is meaningful to you. Ex. the feelings written here spell the acronym and meaningful word, RICH.
- Create a two word mantra for your desire based on your feelings around it. Ex. RICH LOVE. This, but the more you intertwine the right words into your statement, the more powerful this is.
- Visualize a picture of what RICH LOVE looks like to you. You can use picture below or find one on just right for you.
- The feelings, mantra and picture are your Astral Thought Form to be projected in next exercise.

3rd EYE ASTRAL PROJECTION. 5 minutes. During this section you will be led to open your 3rd Eye. In this state do an astral projection explained below using the breath, visualization, emotions and mantra. This will “seed” your desire into the creative soil of universal consciousness for manifestation. This technique can be used to send messages to others telepathically too.
- THIRD EYE WHITE LIGHT. Bring your two fingers to your third eye, the location right above the space between your eye brows. Imagine a white light at this location.
2. EARTH. Now imagine in the distance the horizon of earth with outer space right behind appearing out of a mist. Use picture below to help visualize this.

3. INHALE the feelings of your mantra. Think about your mantra. Feel the feelings around it. Fill your lungs with air as you feel these feelings.
4. EXHALE your mantra out (ex. RICH LOVE) to the horizon of earth.
5. INHALE your mantra back into your lungs. On inhale breathe your mantra (ex. RICH LOVE) BACK into your lungs.
6. DO 7 TIMES.
HOMEWORK: Do for 21 days first thing upon waking in morning or before falling asleep at night. Only work on one desire at a time.
VISION BOARD. In addition to the above steps Spirit Medium Laura has her primary goals on a digital vision board, which she accesses every day during her physical exercise, and updates on a regular basis as her goals are attained. On this vision board is the Mantra, its picture and the “feelings” associated with its attainment. This is working very well for her. If you would like help with this Spirit Medium Laura would be happy to accommodate during private session.
NOT WORKING? If your manifesting does not work then what you are asking for is not in your soul plan, the journey your soul intended for you this life time. This goal should be explored (perhaps in a private session) to set an authentic goal in alignment with your soul plan. Book HERE.
PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT. GET PSYCHIC GUIDANCE. Take a few deep breaths. Now ask your card deck or your means of attaining psychic answers and guidance what are the next steps to attain your goal. Interpret the answer. Book a private session with Spirit Medium Laura for additional insight. Book HERE.