Manifesting Abundance with Sacred Activations. Clear your limiting beliefs, blocks, and programs to manifest an abundant life with SACRED ACTIVATIONS
Sacred Activations is like a new type of hypnosis (see video below). “It creates a new, more pleasant and loving life by clearing you from limiting belief systems and programs all at once with each activation.” (Taken from Sacred Activations website.)
I think of it as:
The SECRET KEY to manifesting abundance in your life.
This key unlocks your hopes, dreams, soul plan and the life of JOY you silently know is your lighted self.
I have received 30 of their activations. It has helped me “shift” my insights, actions and, therefore, outcomes in the areas I have been desiring change.
This means SUCCESS!
After the activations I began to sleep at night. Funny because for over ten years I could not do so. Now I sleep very well, without any pills or sleep aids.
Could that mean the Sacred Activations cleared away FEAR? I do think so.
Fear is the underlying block to achieving any dream you have.
I am now Certified in Sacred Activations to provide this service to you.
Here is how Tamra Oviatt, the founder of Sacred Activations, describes it.
Life Shift Packages with Sacred Activation
Spirit has guided me to take the activations one step further. The day I got certified I realized as I fell off to sleep that night (exhausted from all the downloads and transmissions I received that day) the activations can be bundled into life shift packages, each intuitively combined by me to address a specific need.
These life shift packages are guidelines only. You will NOT receive all the activations in one category as listed below.
Spirit will intuitively guide me to pick about 3 to all of the activations in a category to use on you, depending on your energy, degree of crystalline light body activation and consciousness.
We go gently. Then, over time we can layer on new activations in other sessions allowing your system to fully integrate the energy shifts.
Your shifts might feel subtle. Your shift might feel dramatic. It all depends on you.
My Reactions to Sacred Activations.
I have had about 30 Activations. At first I did not feel or notice any shifts. But now a few weeks later I have the following observations.
OPTIMISTIC. I am feeling a happy optimism I did not have before, suddenly realizing goals I had are within my grasp simply because I am less fearful.
SLEEP BETTER. I suddenly stopped taking sleep aids like essential oils or pills to sleep. I now sleep effortlessly.
MORE RELAXED. I am more relaxed in general.
PSYCHIC ABILITY HEIGHTENED. My psychic ability has increased, especially noticed during the demands of otherside mediumship sessions. It feels effortless.
FLOW. I feel a dynamic flow to everything I do.
HAPPY ALONE. I am happy being alone. I used to feel sad, down and even panicked to be alone. Now I look at it as a delightful adventure.
LESS RESISTANCE equals MORE JOY. At times, I used to feel confined, disappointed and limited by life when things did not go my way. Now I embrace what is, which allows me to flow in the creative matrix of the now. This creative matrix feels JOYful!
MORE CREATIVE. I am more creative, more stimulated by life.
DISCLAIMER. Healing at times is not a linear path, so I cannot guarantee your results. When I received my activations I had NO expectations, BUT seem to have gained quite a lot.
I will only do about 3 to 5 activations in one session so you can absorb.
I use only the Activation name and number here. Their definitions are listed below this section.
I will be guided by spirit to choose the correct Activations for you from each group.
LOVE. Find love. Improve love.
- # 4, Christ Consciousness, Universal LOVE miracle frequency.
- #7 Mother Mary. Unconditional Love.
- #22 Soul Mate.
- #8 Family Constellations. Release relationship karma.
- #19 Addictions Release.
- #10 Inner Child. Reclaim your authentic self.
- # 0-7 Years. Clear Unconscious Programming of early years.
- #21 Anger/Resentment Release.
- #28 Healthy Boundaries.
- #18 Are You a Martyr. Attain love without suffering.
- #9 Original Light Language.
- 14 Alchemy of the 3rd Dimension.
MONEY, CAREER, LIFE PURPOSE, ABUNDANCE, MANIFEST at WILL: Heal systemic issues around prosperity back and forward 7 generations.
- #4 Christ Consciousness. Universal LOVE.
- #26 Creative Genie Extraordinaire. Manifest at will.
- #29 Get Into the Vortex. Divine Flow.
- #7 Mother Mary. Unconditional love.
- #8 Family Constellations. Relationship Karma released.
- #10 Inner Child. Authentic self recovered.
- #13 Heaven on Earth. Release oaths to suffer.
- #21 Anger & Resentment Release.
- #24 Sacred Blueprint. Life/Soul Purpose.
- #14 Alchemy of the 3rd Dimension. Move to 5th Dimensional Consciousness.
- #11 Fruit of Life. Clear Limiting Belief Systems.
- #4 Christ Consciousness, Universal Love.
- #7 Mother Mary. Unconditional Love.
- #8 Family Constellations
- #9 Original Light Language. Healthy relationship from healthy boundaries.
- #10 Inner Child Reconnection. Authentic Self.
- #11 Fruit of Life. Clear limiting beliefs.
- #13. Heaven on Earth. Release oaths to Karmic cycle and suffering.
- #14 Alchemy of 3rd Dimension. Plug into 5D
- #27 0-7 years. Clear Childhood Blocks.
- #28. Healthy Boundaries.
- #30. Activate your mitochondria.
PSYCHIC SENSES: Enhance and Awaken Psychic Sense. TBD.

List of Sacred Activations for Life Shift Packages Above
- Lord Metatron. 5th Dimensional Crystal Consciousness. Activate Crystal DNA of 5th Dimensional Consciousness. Activate Flower of Life Sacred Geometry.
- Avebury – Stonehenge. Enhance Healing and Psychic Abilities. Communicate with your higher self, your guides, angels, the creator and other realms.
- The Moses Code. Youthful You. Recharge and rejuvenate to a more youthful you. Focus on your dreams easier. Activate “Tree of Life” Sacred Geometry.
- Christ Consciousness Awareness. Universal Love. Know Your True Value. Gain Self Worth. Connect to the Miracle Power of Universal Love.
- Super DNA. Enhance Human Capacity. Add four more Cordons to your DNA strand for enhanced human capacity for healing, performance and attainment.
- Mother Earth Activation. Oneness Consciousness. We are all connected. To connect to your higher self, you must first connect to Mother Earth.
- Mother Mary. Unconditional Love. Clear your ability to love.. Bring Christ Consciousness universal love to personal love.
- Family Constellation. Clear Relationship Karma. Clear Anger, judgment, guilt and hatred towards your family for amazing shifts in family dynamics.
- The Original Light Language. Healthy Relationships. Be “In Love” with Life! Honor your personal power when in conflict with others. Observe without becoming attached. Stay in your power without taking on beliefs of others.
- Inner Child Reconnection. Authentic Self. Reclaim your personal power.
- Fruit of Life. Clear Limiting Belief Systems. Clear limited belief systems housed in your 13 chakras. Activate the Fruit of Life Sacred Geometry within body.
- Life’s Grid. Negative Energy Protection. Stay safe from negative energy. Protection for Empaths, Highly Sensitive People. Protects from harmful radiation, sound waves and other pollutants. Protects pineal gland and kundalini energy.
- Heaven on Earth. Release oaths or karma to suffer.
- Alchemy of the 3rd Dimension. Upgrade from 3D. Release Beliefs of 3rd Dimensional Consciousness like fear, anger, resentment, limitation and lack. Need first 12 activations first. Plugs you into Christ Consciousness.
- Planetary Alignment. Align with planetary energy with ease and grace.
- Bleeding Heart. Detached Healer. Detach from personal pain and suffering to help, support, love and heal the world.
- The Sacred Power. Authentic Power (after all other activations). Step Into Your True Authentic Power. Done after all other activations. Clears all fears about being in your power.
- Are You a Martyr? Boundaries. Love and care for others without being used or destroyed in the process!
- Addictions Redirection. Redirect your instinct for addictions to restore your energy and ability to self nurture. Ex. Hoarding, Drama, Fear, Self Sacrifice, Drama, Sex, Drugs/Alcohol, Compulsive Behavior, Abuse, etc.
- Spiritual Ego Release. Healthy Self Image. Shift from guru or unworthy to balanced for fulfillment of spiritual purpose.
- Anger and Resentment Release. Awaken your co-creator. Stop blaming God, the universe or everything. Start moving forward in alignment with the energy of all creation.
- Soul Mate Fate. Align with the most supportive and nurturing soul mate in this life time, your most compatible life partner. Clear beliefs, judgments, trauma and betrayal with your soul mates over all life times.
- Polar Opposite. Release negative. Bring in positive. Wipe out a negative pathway we wish to shift to bring in the desired outcome.
- The Sacred Blueprint. Life Purpose. Align with your true self and your purpose in life. Gain the courage and knowledge to follow it without delay and or fear. Know what you are to do on earth.
- The Collective Church. Release religion. Find God, Free from ancestral need to suffer for God. Clears traumas from past lives as monks or nuns. Know it is safe to connect directly with God. Gain a clearer connection with the Creator.
- Creative Genie Extraordinaire. Manifest Instantly. Begin to manifest instantly. Know you are safe, you are a creator in your life and you can create money and forms of abundance out of thin air. Plug into the 5th Dimensional grid.
- 0-7 Years. Clear Early Childhood Blocks.
- Healthy Boundaries.
- Get Into the Vortex. (Divine Flow.) Increase synchronicity, guidance and a sense of connection to the dynamic rhythm of your destiny. Be at one with who you really are, you’re feeling fab, and in vibrational alignment to your desires. When you are in the Vortex you get lucky!
- Activate Your Mitochondria. Increase energy pathways for enhanced living.

How to receive a Sacred Activation.
NOTE: Having the prayer and names of activations does not enable you to receive it. You need to have The Golden Seal which is downloaded to practitioners during the Certification Training.
Laura recommends at least a 30 minute session booked HERE.
Outline of Session.
- PREPARATION. Be in a comfortable location where you can lie back during the activation process.
- OPENING. Spirit Medium Laura, the practitioner, makes a psychic connection with you.
- HEALING DEFINED. Practitioner defines the Sacred Activations to activate during session. The main categories are Love, Money or Health.
- GROUNDING to begin. Practitioner guides a white light from your crown through your body to the crystal at the core of mother earth.
- PRAYER. Practitioner does the Sacred Activation prayer, “Mother, Father, God, creator of all that is, we command that the following sacred activations now run through the Eye of God for (Your Name) with ease and grace for highest good, and so it is.
- COMMAND. Practitioner declares. “I declare that we do these Sacred Activations (names of the activations) for (your name) with Ease and Grace to the Best and Highest Good. And so it is. Amen.”
- DOWNLOAD. You will feel energy being downloaded to you. Practitioner will “energy test” to know when download is complete.
- GROUNDING DEEPER. Practitioner leads client through another grounding where the energy is expanded five miles beyond and wider than the existing earth connection. “See the energy of the crystal at core of mother earth now expand out five miles deeper and five miles wider in all directions.”
- BACK. Practitioner brings you gently back into the room. “When ready slowly begin to move your fingers, your toes, arms, legs and attention back into the room”
- REST, REPLENISH, RELEASE: Practitioner reminds you, “Drink plenty of fluids, get plenty of rest, over the next few days.” Activations could trigger fatigue, even flu like symptoms, as energy systems are re-callibrated. This will pass. Activations could take up to 6 weeks if not longer to fully process.