MANIFESTING: LOVE What You Have. Own What You Want.
Whew! The last few days have really been a wake up call for me. Finally I have been relaxing into what I have, where I am in life. I have mastered the art of being.
Even Suzie Bentzen, the lovely lady that helps me with the radio show, is doing this. We both realize that fighting where you are in life with disdain, sadness, complaints, depression, anger, etc. gets you no where and nothing.
Mastering the art of self, just being is the KEY to attaining what you desire.
The next step to attaining, manifesting, what you want is to OWN what you want. Many of us do not feel it possible to have what we want, so we end up changing that definition.
Instead of saying, I want a love relationship uniquely tailored to who I am, what my values, interests and needs are, we change that definition into something like, “I want a healthy, happy partner who treats me nicely.”
Hmmmmmn. You have to OWN and believe what you want exists and is possible to attain for the universe to go about creating it for you.
As well, you have to feel excited by what you are asking the universe to provide to be able to co-create it with the universe. If you are asking for what you think you can get, rather than what you FEEL you really want, guess what?
The universe yawns as much as you do and places you back into the LOVE what you have queue. lol! Yes, you go back in line to learn the masterful manifesting secrets of the universe.
Take a moment to think about what you have in your life. Think about the conditions you are in rebellion with. Perhaps it is loneliness. So you compulsively eat to quiet your lonely heart.
Make this very specific for this exercise.
Step 1. Now take a moment to think about the good behind this condition in your life. What good comes from being alone for you?
Perhaps you get to watch the shows you like on TV, eat when you want,what you want, or not even have to cook. Maybe you sleep better at night because you do not have to listen to snoring. Perhaps you get to work on a project which is actualizing your potential because you have extra me time to do so.
If you do not have any good from what you do not like in your life,then create it! Think of the good that can come from this situation and then act on it.
You will find a deep peace beginning inside yourself if you do so. It is only from this deep, peaceful place that you are ready to create what you desire in your life.
Step 2. At this point it is time to OWN what you want. A quick way to do this is to take a brief meditation and then journal on what you really want in your life. Do not censor what your heart tells you.
Do this every day for a week or a month or until you get a very clear idea of what your heart wants, not what you head says is possible.
Then pray on it with feeling. Yes, get very quiet and pray, talking directly to God about this condition you desire in your life.
Keep in mind you would not desire it if it were not there for you. So just keep asking in this intense way in prayer until you begin to see changes in your life.
First, you begin to be happy with your life exactly as it is, being grateful for everything. Second, you begin to see little bits of response from the universe until getting what you want becomes routine, and very, very expected.
It is only through this type of surrender work that manifesting is possible.
If all of this still does not work, it is time for a Soul Healing to remove hidden subconscious blocks with the help of a gifted spiritual intuitive such as myself.
Spirit Medium Laura