Yes, it is really happening. All of this MANIFESTING MAGIC I have been chirping about is making its debut in my life.
A major intention I have been working on in the area of money is working out really well. This coupled with less satisfaction with parts of the work I do has caused me to make some changes.
Spirit has taught me to follow JOY as a life principle, so following my JOY I have changed some of what I do as follows.

- CANCELLED MESSAGES with MEDIUM LAURA Monday night Podcast until further notice. I am being flexible about this. Let’s see how this goes.
- CHANGE IN FOCUS to MANIFESTING rather than fortune telling in my work. My work is about how you can create the reality of your dreams, not how you can unexpectedly have a desired outcome when your thinking is negative. We CREATE what we FOCUS on. Full Stop!
- MONDAY NIGHT PRIVATE SESSIONS are now available at sale price. Book HERE.
- No Tuesday evening hours.
- Wednesday is the same.
- SALE. MONDAY NIGHT FREE FOR ME SALE! Sessions booked for Monday night between 4 – 8pm ET are 25% discounted or 1/3 more time free. Ex. Pay for 30 minutes get 40 minutes. Pay for 45 minutes get 15 minutes added for free. Limited time offer.
- No more 15 minute sessions until further notice.
WHY Am I Doing This?
This is why I have decided to change my business focus from psychic readings to psychic MANIFESTING and MEDIUMSHIP.
I feel psychic readings are disempowering to the recipient AND disempowering to the psychic.
Why? Because they are taking away development of your power as a co-creator with GOD (Universal Mind). They are setting you and the psychic up to do the petty work of controlling you with FEAR, rather than empowering you with LOVE of self, life and all things, good or bad.
So how does this MANIFESTING MAGIC work anyway?
As I have said over and over it starts with JOY. Joy stands for Just Open You with JOY Journaling.
MANIFESTING MAGIC steps spell word IDEAL. Each letter is a different step. The entire process is outlined in this article HERE.

Following is some additional information to help in using these steps.
- NO DREAMS? What if I don’t know what I want? What if I am so lost, alone and afraid I am totally out of touch with my heart center. If you cannot get in touch with that then ask yourself what you do NOT want in your life. This always leads to what you do want.
- As well, a session with a spiritual psychic can help you better see yourself to get in touch with your deepest soul desires.
- BELIEF? What if I don’t believe I can have what I want? You need to break your desire into what you believe are achievable steps. Each long journey starts with a step.
- ROLE MODELS? What if I don’t have any people I know that have achieved what I want to achieve? Read, study and follow people who have done what you want to do. Success breeds success!
- If you can get a mentor even better.
Sending you love and light and major HUGS!
Hi Diana. Thanks for responding. You are one of the inspiring souls with which I have worked. Glad to hear from you. Sending healing thoughts. Laura
Laura this is wonderful! I’ll miss Monday nights but I’m sure this is all good. Spirit wouldn’t guide in the wrong direction. I’ll be calling you soon I’m just waiting for some time to pass.
💜Diana OKeefe