MANIFEST NO MORE: The Shocking Truth About Manifesting
Channeled message below from Alpha Omega Light Beings (The Ones) through Spirit Medium Laura

Introduction: Did you know manifesting is easy? I didn’t. I used to think it was all about finding the right formula to cast my intention upon the canvas of reality. I have studied and used many different ways to manifest, as many of you have.
Vision boards, guided visualization, Science of Mind “treatments,” self hypnosis, chanting Buddhist mantras, etc.
Some of these methods would work for a little while, then, puff, the “tough” reality of earth would resurface, whooshing my attainments back to dust. Why did this happen? Was it my belief system? Did I believe in failure? Did I believe in lack? Did I believe it is DIFFICULT to get what I wanted? Was I living a karmic block? Was I playing old tapes from childhood?
What was it that took from me what I had so diligently created using the steps I was taught?
Well creation, my dear friends, is a lot simpler than what you have been taught. Manifesting your dreams has been explained to you as “we have to create what we want.”
Channeling Begins:
“The key to manifesting is to KNOW you already are everything you need or want.
When you can jump ahead, over, beyond the concept you need to manifest anything you begin to ‘get’ everything. You begin to understand your true nature is innately abundant, and you begin to have everything you ever wanted or needed.
This is NOT to say you will no longer desire things. It is to say, the wall between wanting and having will begin to blur so that you attain without struggle. You will see what you want and then have it at the same time. You will begin to BE what you WANT.
Manifesting is not needed when one realizes they are already perfect, have everything they want and are living in service from their joy points.
Joy points means, service from blissful gifts.
Realize and live in accordance with your true nature and you will find your gifts begin to surface in service. You begin to be all you can be. When you are all you can be, a mystical thing happens.
You have everything you need. Manifesting is not necessary.
Here is a very simple way to walk this path.
MEDITATE. Each and every day take time to just be in quiet awareness. Do not think. Rather simply breath in a quiet way. Do not try to solve a problem, or sit in constructive employ.
Rather SIT. Be Still In Time. Just SIT, be still in timeless space for about 15 or 20 minutes a day.
Suddenly your life will shift. You will begin being you, being yourself, showing up for life, unfettered with fashion, fiddling or fumbling to make something right.
You will function better. You will communicate with yourself and others better.
You will be comfortable in your own skin, knowing and expressing all the time your infinite intimate self.
Meditate and manifesting will not be needed.
Channeled message from The Ones, through Spirit Medium Laura 11/29/15.
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