MANIFESTING POWER of Letting Go and Moving On. When we let go of the conscious mind we access the superconscious mind, which is the absolute creative force of the universe. In this state we can manifest anything.
Are you afraid of the dark? Many people shun the emptiness that comes from Letting Go.
However, the only way to move into the miracle of the superconscious is by letting go of what is.
We must choose to shed that which is toxic to create what is joyful.
At times our soul takes steps to force us to shed what no longer works in our life so we can replace it with new experiences that do.
Finally, in this age of Coronavirus a mass shedding is happening. What worked before in many people’s lives no longer does.
This is true for me as well. I have found what I used to consider positive and constructive in my life has appeared as toxic, been ripped from it, and/or I have chosen to release it.
For example,
FALSE FRIENDSHIP. I announced to a girlfriend who started taking offense at everything I did that I was not responsible for her happiness. She stopped blaming me.
FALSE FLIRTATIONS. I announced to a male friend I would not participate any longer in his false flirtations between me and other women. The man in question dropped the flirtations and acted like a friend.
REJECTION OF TOXIC RELATIONSHIP. I decided quite firmly I would not tlerate a new man in my life whose past included some arrests for domestic violence and stalking. I was willing to wait until a healthy relationship asserted itself. Today I have attracted some new, potentially healthy counterparts as I move forward.
Dropping the illusion of something to bravely face the void of emptiness can seem frightening, but it offers a chance for something better to come in.
COVID DARK NIGHT OF SOUL. The Coronavirus has forced me (and most everyone) into a Dark Night of the Soul, so to speak. Many of us have had to reinvent what pays us and offers us play. We are experiencing a shedding of the old, to make room for the new.
The Coronavirus is forcing us to Let Go and Move on in a huge way.
As bizarre as this brave new world seems, I have embraced it fully. I believe this letting go is creating a HUGE opportunity to MOVE ON to a new world with endless possibilities.
When we desire to create something new in our life we must embrace the void. We must be willing to be in emptiness to access the creative force of the universe!
This void is accessed quite directly through meditation.
Instead of running around throwing your hands up because you do not have THIS or THAT, opt instead to state your desired goal and then simply go into meditation.
Don’t try to FIX ANYTHING!
As you enter this space of emptiness, of clearing the ego to align with the universal mind, you become in effect SUPERNATURAL!
You access universal consciousness, from which all matter derives.
This may seem like a big chunk to digest however, this is basic metaphysical wisdom. All good things come from NOthing.
NOthing is the zero point of creation. EMPTINESS is where CREATION is AT!
How to enter the NOthing? Enter the NOTHING through meditation.

You want to create something new in your life? Get rid of what you don’t want?
Start by setting new intention of what you do want, then be still, enter the void and wait.
Simply, after stating your desired outcomes out loud, or looking at a vision board, or visualizing them as happening now, sit in profound silence for at least 10 minutes per day.
Many people misconstrue the Law of Attraction or Manifesting to mean you make something happen.
But but but imagine for a second the only thing you did was get quiet, sit in stillness and be present in the void. Joyfully sat in the vacuum of nothing, as you gently direct universal mind to your intention.
There is a MIRACLE in SILENCE. There is a miracle in letting go and moving on.
From the void all good things come. When you set your intention, but then do nothing more than sit in meditation, a power of activation is released so profound words defy its majesty.
So before you can create something new in your life, you must be ready to let go of what is not working any longer.
Sit then in silence after asking for what you do want. Be quiet. Be still. You will find new things start arriving you did nothing more to create than imagine them, than relax into the void.
Spirit Medium Laura