MANIFESTING: Use of 3rd EYE Meditation to MANIFEST
If I didn’t know about my 3rd EYE and how to use it in meditation to manifest I would not have this business. Each and every time business got slow as I was building it, I would begin a 3rd EYE Meditation manifesting session.
3rd EYE Manifesting can be useful to:
1. Calm Anxiety.
2. Feel happy, relaxed, in command of your life.
3. Create at will desired outcome.
4. Hand things up to a higher power.
3rd EYE Manifesting usually works right away. It does not take weeks or months to see results.
It is built on the premise that our world is malleable, that what we once considered reality is not solid, or fixed. What we experience as our reality is something we are constantly creating according to our expectations, outlook, beliefs and mental projections.
So how can you commandeer use of your 3rd eye to create a desired reality? By following the steps outlined here.
1. Relax in meditation. Here is one I like. It totally relaxes me. Do this meditation for about 5 – 10 minutes before the next step.
2. Write down what you do NOT like in an area of your life. Then from this write what you do want. This is an authentic read of what you really want in life. You need to know what you really want from a deeper, soul level to get it.
One of the blocks to manifesting is trying to manifest something you really do not WANT, but rather what you think you NEED to fix a problem. This is fear based and will not work. Goals set from LOVE or your soul will manifest.
3. Choose a simple one syllable word to stand for what you want, such as LOVE, if you want love. Then use each letter in this word to stand for the aspects of what you want in your particular love situation.
Ex. L-O-V-E stands for:
L is for loyal, lasting, loving.
O is for Opulent for material aspects of relationship. You can add in other meanings for O here that stand for what you want.
V is for Vibration and Values in synch. Here you can list aspects of compatibility you seek in your love relationship.
E is for Engagement to marriage. Excitement, etc.
4. Go back into your meditation space. As you listen to an audio such as this, imagine a picture of the universe out in the distance.
5. Inhale “Send LOVE” or whatever your phrase is to your third eye. Exhale your phrase from your 3rd Eye out into the universe. Continue for 15 minutes or longer.
6. Do when you feel a need to create your reality or do as a habit every day to maintain a high vibration, optimistic outlook, and a life of your dreams.
Spirit Medium Laura
Book your personal private session with Spirit Medium Laura HERE.