Meaning of Repeating Number Sequences like 555, 444, 333, 222, 111, etc.
Channeled material on how to evolve to joy, ectasy and bliss by following number sequences.
Today I looked at the profit/loss statement of my current investments with my broker. The number $555.55 was in the current P/L for today.
I almost fell off my chair.
The other night I awoke from sleeping. I looked at the digital clock next to my bed. It was 5:55am. I thought that rather unusual.
Then the next night I awoke again at 4:44am.
I have been noticing these two number sequences over and over again.
What do they mean?
When I looked up the meaning I found many different meanings for number sequences starting with 111 and going up to 555. So rather then repeat what I found, I decided to channel their meanings from Ola (St. Ignatius Loyola) my master guide.
St. Ignatius Loyola is the same entity to famed Brazilian John of God (I did not know this when I was introduced to this entity over 30 years ago). As well, St. Ignatius Loyola is Ascended Master Dom Ignatio, a 3rd Ray Master, of pink light.
Let’s see what comes up.
Dear Ola, can you please explain what it means to see repeating numbers and the meaning of each of them?
Dom Ignatio is here. We are here to help those on earth in need of guidance, assistance and love.
We each work with one of you on earth to heal your heart, open you mind and ask the questions of you.
The question we ask of all of you is to Let Go of defined burdens. Rather open your heart to change and knowing who you are.
This is a question because without a question cannot be an answer.
In other words, each number has a sequence in healing the heart and opening the mind to change to becoming all that you are meant to be in love and light.
So each number if seen means to you that you are at this particular juncture in your life and evolution.
It can provide for you guidance of what you need to do now to grow, evolve and become happier on earth while evolving to higher levels of vibration and energy.
Many on earth do not want to evolve. Many want rather to have things and get things.
But evolution is your purpose.
Because having things will not make you happy.
Evolving will.
Evolution is joy and magnificence. So we ask of you to ask to evolve.
When you do so you will be placed on your highest path to living in an ecstatic state of joy and bliss!
Do not ask what your world can do for you, but rather ask what you can do for your world.
Then the numbers will lead you along this path.
Ask to evolve.
Watch for the numbers. They will guide you on how to evolve to bliss and joy.

Here are the meanings of numbers for you to use as breadcrumbs in the forest leading you to your highest state of joy and bliss.
When you see 111 on a recurring basis it is telling you to follow your joy every day in every way and the universe will support you in finding it. It is simply saying, follow your heart and you will be led.
Two is the number of bliss fulfillment. When you follow your joy as in 111, 222 will begin delivering its fulfillment. When you see 222 on a recurring basis you are being told by the universe that you are now going to receive what you desire.
333 is an odd number with an odd message. It means LOVE. It means completion of purpose, fulfillment and knowing your true self.
When you see 333 on regular basis you are opening to joy more and more in your life and becoming very comfortable in living at this higher vibration. 333 simply means “keep up the good work of following your heart, getting what you want.”
333 meaning you are on point for being your true self in bliss.
444 asks you open more of yourself to higher realms. It is not enough to be happy on the earth plane.
This number is now calling you to be happy on the higher planes. It is asking you let go of material things and concerns and now begin focusing on your soul’s dharma and service.
It does not ask much of you other than to Let Go of material worries.
When you do this, material things will flourish following your soul’s service.
Money and material success comes from service of your highest expression. You are becoming your soul now, but still on earth plane.
Ecstasy is here. When you have arrived at highest expression of self things now flow you to easily. You want for nothing.
You ask for nothing and everything is yours.
You do not ask for help from God anymore, because you now know you have access to God in your very being. You are holding this light always.
You need nothing because you have everything. You are in the now of joy following your heart, your deepest expression of self and fulfilling your destiny.
If you are seeing 555 on regular basis you have arrived at LOVE itself. Joy, ecstatic awakening and connection to universal love is yours. Ask and ye shall receive always. You have arrived at bliss, joy and fulfillment.
Remember you must go through earlier numbers as steps to arrive at 555, which is LOVE itself.
Master Dom Ignatio and supporting Entities through Spirit Medium Laura
OK. So now I understand why last week when I repeated the gratitude phrase about my investments, I saw my investments improving. This was confirmed with the number 555 and 444 repeating over and over again.
Start to pay attention to what you are doing in your life. Are you following your heart, your joy?
Are you doing what you love to do as much as possible?
It seems from this channeling that the first step to living in the flow of JOY, BLISS and ECSTASY is to follow what you love to do each day.
The next recommendation is to then start paying attention to numbers. The more you pay attention the more the universe will show you the sequences, leading you along on your evolutionary path to SELF ACTUALIZATION, REALIZATION and the TOTAL BLISS of JOY!
Sending you love!
Spirit Medium Laura
Become LUCKY, ABUNDANT and JOYful by activating the intuition of your SOUL.
Course 1 HERE.

Thank you Aurora.
Thank you for this beautiful, educational, spiritual message that resonated with me and will follow. Many blessings and light to you Laura and our spiritual teacher, Master Dom.
May the year 2020 be fruitful and progress us into our enlightened life of love, joy, peace and compassion.
With love,