MEDICAL INUITIVE: Hashimoto’s Disease

MEDICAL MEDIUM INSIGHTS Hashimotos Disease. Are you really tired all the time? Do you have brain fog and have gut issues like bloating and irregularity.

MEDICAL INTUITIVE:  Hashimoto’s Disease.

Spirit can provide us so much insight to our health, if we would just ask.

Recently I had a medical intuitive mediumship session with a client who had extreme fatigue, brain fog, intestinal issues and was over weight.

In an earlier session she was told she had Hashimoto’s Disease.  She knew at that time she had thyroid issues, she did not know she had this disease too.

Later this was confirmed by her doctor.

MEDICAL INTUITIVE:  Hashimotos Disease

Then during her last session spirit revealed some very interesting ideas which all were confirmed.

Perhaps you have had similar symptoms and need some insight.

Red meat and Hashimoto’s disease.

Spirit told my client she should be eating red meat, not only would it improve her mental clarity, but as well, it would help her build her immune system and improve her strength.
Spirit as well, told her to increase the amount of phyto-nutrients she was getting in her diet as eating the Standard American Diet had depleted her overall state of health.
After I do a session I always look online for confirming evidence which can be used by my client for further validation and direction.
When I searched for this client I found Dr. Amy Myers.  Dr. Myers cured herself of an autoimmune thyroid disorder and leaky gut, both of which my client had.
“The Myers Way® diet focuses on nutrient-dense and colorful organic vegetables, healthy fats, fruits, wild caught fish and organic, grass-fed and pasture-raised meat, pork and poultry.”   In this article, Dr. Myers explains why she recommends that anyone with a thyroid or autoimmune condition follow the same type of diet!”
Taken from
I personally have had to “cure” myself of Epstein Barr fatigue and frequent upper respiratory infections.  I still have some energy issues, but have seen tremendous improvement.
Over time I realized that being vegan or vegetarian and earlier in my life having ate a Standard American Diet is part of how my immune system failed.
As I began to eat grass fed, free range and wild caught type protein into my diet, my energy and immune system improved.
As well, I increased the amount of phyto-nutrients in my diet by not only eating more vegetables, but as well, adding a “Greens” supplement such as this into my diet.
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Another significant improvement to your health if you suffer from being over weight, have ischemic dermatitis (ex. acne, eczema, rosacea, psoriasis, hives, etc.) is to eliminate all processed foods and SUGAR in all its forms.

Eating REAL food is mandatory for a healthy body.  Over time we have become accustomed to eating Sugar Pops and all sorts of other manufactured “fake” foods.

We have been mesmerized by marketing to “see” these fake chemicals as food.

But when you think about it you realize, gosh this is not a food.  A food is from the earth, not the laboratory.

Seems so obvious, right?  But this is really happening now.

One of the biggest by-products of eating processed fake foods is obesity.    Even if you do not eat a large amount of food, if it is fake, it clings to your body, encouraging the production of fat to protect the organs.

I know this might sound a bit radical, but as a Certified Health Coach who lost 20 pounds accidentally by shifting from fake food to real, I can attest to this.

Take an interest in yourself.  Start cutting out the junk.  Walk 30 minutes a day.   Relax more, stress less.

You will find your mind, body and soul will evolve from HEALING to HAPPINESS in the most heavenly way.


Spirit Medium Laura

Book your private session with Laura at

Further Reading

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