MEDITATION and MANIFESTATION. Channeling on how to surrender struggle with meditation, to ascend to your highest expression of self.
Channeling begins.
What does it mean to live in a higher vibration, a place of joy?
It means to live as your soul, your highest vibration of self. It means you are outside of the ego of fear, flowing in the essence of love.
These are powerful concepts, perhaps elusive in their very nature.
However, these are urgently needed concepts in the earth vibration of ego fear based polarized thinking, being and acting.
When you ascend to a higher vibration you no longer are living in the fear of this happening or that occurring.
You are living in the essence of abundance, the seat of creation, the notion of having, not wanting or desiring.
When you access this vibration you want for nothing. You begin to know you are safe, protected and aligned with the Oneness of God.
So how do you access this higher frequency of love?
How do you live above the yin and yang of desire, of not having, of not craving and of not struggling to attain?
How do you move to the frequency of being complete?
Ah, as a human this is something to strive to have and be.
However, as a human this is an aspiration which needs to be restated and restarted on a daily basis. You as a soul chose to experience this dimension so you would strive to a higher vibration.
It is your purpose as a human being to remember you are a soul having this experience, not a mere mortal struggling to attain.
So when you try to MANIFEST SOMETHING, you will find that THING will constantly delude you. You will struggle to GET WHAT YOU WANT.
You will never attain it. The nature of being human is to NOT HAVE, never have, and always be striving.

We as the Ones, do not feel it is bad or not adapted to strive to attain something. We, rather would like to suggest to you it is better to know you have everything already.
When you KNOW you are complete, a strange and magnificent thing occurs.
You suddenly start having everything you thought you wanted!
When you want something you do not have it. When you no longer want, but know you have, you suddenly have it!
The way or METHOD to manifest everything you want is to MEDITATE.
When you meditate you enter this state of being where all exists already. It is the now, or zero point of the universe, of all creation.
We suggest to access this space to take at least fifteen minutes a day to NOT WANT ANYTHING! Simply be in the space of NOthing!
This is the space where you quiet the mind using a focus point. Your focus could be the breathe, it could be a mantra, it could be an object you stare at.
This space of NOT wanting, NOT manifesting, of NOthing, is the space of EVERYTHING, my friend.
Please access it on a daily basis. When you do, you shift from struggling, striving and trying to having, relaxing and knowing.
The Ones through Spirit Medium Laura
This video is something I found on for Mantra and Mindful Meditation Class.
I have found this is the best way to meditate.. I use a mantra related to something I desire like PEACE or PROSPER or HEALTH, etc. I set up mantras with clients based on goals they have in their life. :)